Part 64

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Wanda POV-

Bucky and I slowly entered the room, blood smeared across the floor.

Wanda- Y/N?
I rounded the corner and Y/N's body was propped up against the wall
Bucky- what the hell did they do to her?
He froze on the spot staring at the women who had saved his life a year ago. This man was different and one we all trusted now having saved our lives multiple times on missions.

I walked towards her, my hands in the air showing I wasn't an enemy but a friend. The gun in her hand was aimed at me as I walked past a body laying on the ground.
Wanda- I need you to put the gun down Y/N, please.

Her eyes were tired, one pupil reacting quicker than the other.
Wanda- I'm sorry for this Y/N
With a quick snap of my fingers, she was unconscious. The gun dropped to the side as Bucky picked it up.
Bucky- he's dead, a super soldier by the looks of things
Wanda- she took one hell of a beating here
Bucky- how did she even do this?
Wanda- life or death Buck, you'll do anything to survive.

Bucky picked her up, her head resting on his shoulder as we walked outside. The other avengers waiting for us as Tony called ahead to the hospital for another incoming.

We got her to the hospital as quick as we could, the doctors wheeling her away down the hall as Steve made his way towards us
Wanda- how is Nat?
Steve- not looking good, she's in surgery now.
I ran my hands through my hair, exhaling loudly as the pain I was feeling started to creep up on me.

Tony and Steve were arguing but I couldn't tell what, I didn't need to listen to them right now as Oscar, AJ and Maria arrived at the hospital.
Lucky for us, we had been given a private floor, the hospital knowing how tender this situation was.

Maria- so?
Wanda- Nat's in surgery and Y/N... I...
The feelings overcame me, the tears now flooding down my face as Oscar pulled me close, my tears soaking into his shield training top.

Hours passed and we had heard nothing, Steve pacing around the room as I leaned against Bucky for comfort.
Usually I'd want Pietro or Vision but they'd been sent on a long term mission a while back and not yet retuned.

Heels clicked down the hallway as the doctor returned.
Wanda- how are they?
DR- Natasha had a through and through wound but it hit the liver, the surgeons removed the impacted area and repaired surrounding damage.
Steve- what does that mean? Is she going to be okay?
DR- yes, with some rest and a strict diet.
Wanda- what about Y/N?

The silence in the room was horrible, everybody waiting to hear what the doctor was going to say as her face dropped reading through the notes.
DR- so Y/N suffered a bleed on her brain, the swelling is large but we are treating it with medication. If the swelling reduces then great but otherwise she may need surgery.
Wanda- can we see them?
DR- not yet, they need some rest so I suggest you all get some as well. Clint and Maria can stay here as medical proxy's.

They both retook their seats as we left the hospital. Maria had agreed to call us if anything changed and it meant we could be there if we needed to.

Clint POV-

I'd been here all night waiting for Natasha to wake up, the surgery taking its toll on her body.
Maria was a wreck, Y/N had been her best friend for years and the bond they shared was stronger than the one Nat and I had.

DR- Agent Barton?
Clint- is everything okay?
DR- she's awake and doing well, you can see her

I rushed down the hallway and towards her room, the path was clear with on my essential staff being needed.

Nat- hey
Clint- you gave us a scare Tasha, don't do that next time
Nat- how is Y/N?
What was I going to tell her? None of us really knew anything
Nat- Is she dead?
Clint- what? No. She's just resting

A knock on the door stopped the conversation, Maria peering round checking it was okay to come in
Maria- I heard from the doctor, I thought I should update you
Nat- what's wrong?
Maria- she's awake, has been for a couple hours
Nat- but?
Maria- she's in shock, not spoken a word. The good thing is the swelling in her brain has reduced considerably overnight and it's likely she can go home tomorrow.
Nat- when can I leave?
Clint- there's a few more days till you're going anywhere
Nat- I want to see her
Maria- that's not allowed.

It was hard for Natasha, she wanted to see Y/N so badly and fell her everything was going to be okay but we just couldn't let her.
The doctor said seeing Natasha too early could have irreversible effects on Y/N which could cause this state of shock to become permanent.

Y/N left the next day, Maria taking her away from the avengers. The peace and quiet was needed so they headed out of town for a while, Maria said something about an old log cabin Y/N owned.

Natasha spent 4 more days in the hospital, a small infection extending her stay.
She couldn't wait to get home to Mila, she was being taken care of by a babysitter that was full time, Wanda and Pietro keeping an eye on her when needed.

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