Part 31

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He lowered his gun and pushed me back with a smirk on his face.
Enrique- well let's do business, shall we?
I walk back over to car and grab the duffel bags out of the back throwing them on the floor so Enrique can inspect them

Enrique- these really are a top quality
Y/N- some of my best
Enrique- where did you get them from?
Y/N- stole them from a shipment which was being sent to the metal yard, they didn't need them but I did
Enrique- get the money Jose.
The bags get thrown down in front of me and I bend down checking the cash
Y/N- well then it's been good doing business with you but now it's time we part

I grab the money and walk away placing it in the space the guns had been in before.
Enrique- one more thing
I turn around and a loud noise rattled through the air. The next thing I felt was pain.

Nat POV-

Everything was going smoothly, Y/N had handled the interrogation better than I expected. She didn't rehearse her army story but in fact knew it very well as she'd done this a million times before.

Enrique- one more thing
Bang. Was that a gunshot?
I check the cameras and see Y/N dropping to the ground with blood pooling around her.
The cars and vans all race in blocking the exits, the fire turns towards us as I see Wanda pulling Y/N behind the car.

The guns we had given them weren't going to work, the bullets were fake and most had the firing pins removed.
His men surrendered quickly as we overpowered them, Steve hurtling Enrique to the floor. I follow the drag mark and find Wanda putting pressure on Y/N's wound.

Nat- I told you to be careful
Y/N- I was, I didn't think he'd shoot me after everything
Nat- you're gonna be okay, it's not too bad
Y/N- I don't believe you
She could see the tears in my eyes, I couldn't hold them in any longer. Her breath was catching as she choked on her own Oxygen.
Nat- Wanda, get the van round here and ready to go. She needs a hospital now!

Y/N places her hand on my face as I keep applying pressure.
Y/N- look at me
Our gazes connect as we stare deep into each other's eyes.
Y/N- I'm sorry about everything, my head hasn't been the game and I I should have done better
Nat- you did so well
Y/N- I'm not scared to die, I'm scared of leaving you alone because I..I.. Love you more than anything. I don't know what life is like without you anymore and so, Natasha Romanoff, Will you marry me?
Nat- Yes, of course I will. That means you can't die on me okay, I need you alive because I don't know what flavour cake you want
Y/N- no fruit in cake, only chocolate
Nat- Yes okay.

Even when she's dying, she can still make me laugh. I wipe away the tears as blood covers my face now, the van pulls up and we load Y/N in heading straight for the hospital.


I slowly open my eyes, the lights were bright almost burning through my retinas whilst the room was warily quiet, a few muffled sobs and a gentle beeping of a machine.
I roll my head to the side and notice a red head, her face in hands as she covered up her tears

Y/N- don't cry beautiful, let me see you
She slowly lifts her head and there's blood all over her.
Y/N- are you hurt? That's a lot of blood?
Nat- I'm okay, it's all yours
Y/N- am I gonna be okay?
Nat- fine, it's not serious. You just need to rest
Y/N- woo to the hoo
Nat- do you remember everything?
Y/N- I got shot and my fiancé made sure I didn't die
A smile lit up her face as she gently pressed her lips against my forehead.
Nat- I love you so much
Y/N- I love you more
Nat- that's not possible.

The door creaks open as Maria pokes her head round the corner
Maria- nice to see you're done napping
Y/N- are those gummy bears?
Maria- nope, not even close
Y/N- can I pleaseeee have some gummy bears?
Maria- fine I'll go find some
She huffs and closes the door behind her
Nat- I didn't think you liked them?
Y/N- I don't but now I can spend more time alone with you.

I edge over on the bed and Nat lays down next to me, I wrap my arm around her waist pulling her close as her fingers trail alongside the inside of my arm
Y/N- have you told anyone yet?
Nat- nope, I wanted you there as well
Y/N- okay good, how long before I can get out of here?
Nat- you need to stay the day to make sure all your scans are okay and then we can go home, any idea what you want to do?
Y/N- I've got a few ideas
I winked at her and she couldn't help but laugh, she knew exactly what I was talking about and loved the thought of it
Nat- as much as I would love to do that, you're gonna need some rest
Y/N- well then, I better make sure I'm well rested quickly

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