Part 24

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Nat POV-

Y/N was working with Loki and I had known before but we had to act as if we didn't know her. I couldn't take my eyes off her but she kept avoiding my gaze.
She had caught Clints arrow which was impressive and in all honesty, incredibly hot

Our gazes overlap as she can't take her eyes off me, Loki ushers her towards me before grabbing her hand
Loki- one last thing
He places his hand on her temple and something about her changes. When she turns around, her eyes blue and body stiff
Nat- what did you do to her?
Loki- she's under my control now, there's no stopping us
He creates a Sword out of nothing and hands it to Y/N who swings it around getting used to the weight and movement of it.

She charges at us as the guys fight off the alien invaders, Thor races after Loki who disappears into the crowd.
I avoid the swings of the sword as Y/N's foot connects with my stomach sending me stumbling back. Wanda throws a red energy burst towards her but the sword sliced straight through it rendering it useless

Wanda- that's not possible
Y/N- oh this is going to be fun
Evil was written all over her face, she had this creepy smirk similar to the one Loki would do. She didn't know what she was doing but we had to stop her before she killed someone.

Nat- Y/N listen to me, this isn't you
She keep swinging at me and all I can do is avoid them.
Nat- Wanda, I need your help here
Wanda flies over and starts throwing debris at Y/N who can sense it coming, avoiding each piece as they start to smash against the ground.
Nat- you need to snap out of this Y/N, you don't want to hurt us
Y/N- I do what I want and this is that

I couldn't believe her because I knew it wasn't her but it hurt, a lot.
The fight continued as we managed to disarm her so it was more of a fair fight for me, I could've used the Widow bites or my gun but I didn't want to hurt her badly.
Y/N throws me to the floor and starts attacking Wanda, my body hurt and there wasn't much I could do in the moment as she knocked Wanda out cold. Sauntering her way back over, she looked proud of herself
Y/N- one down, one to go
Her hand wraps around my throat she she pushes me against the wall, her grip tightening as my hands grip at her wrist and hand
Nat- please.... stop..

Her grip loosens as she falls to the floor.
Clint- are you okay?
Nat- what did you do?
Clint- cognitive recalibration or hitting her in the head really hard
Nat- you learnt from the best
Clint- hurt though

I kneel down next to Y/N and cuff her to the fire hydrant next to us
Nat- I'm sorry but this is for the best
I place a spare comm set in her ear so she can let us know when she's awake but otherwise, she was out of this fight.


I slowly open my eyes and I can't move. My arms have been pulled tight around something behind me as my back pushing into it. A quick glance over my shoulder shows a hydrant and there's no chance I can break that

Y/N- can anyone hear me?
Clint- you're finally awake
Y/N- why is my head hurting?
Clint- I hit you really hard because you went all blue eyed freak on us
Y/N- right okay, can someone untie me?
Wanda- I'm on my way

Within minutes, Wanda lands in front of me and unties me
Wanda- what do you remember?
Y/N- Loki talking to me about you girls and that's it
Wanda- nothing about a sword or fighting us?
Y/N- never used a sword in my life
Wanda- wrong, it's over there
Y/N- what happened to your face?
I point to the cut on her lip and the black eye starting to form
Wanda- you did this
I felt my heart drop as I look down
Y/N- I'm sorry, I...I...I don't remember doing that

The avengers gather around us and I look at Nat with a smile but she looks away
Steve- we need to shut down the portal, any ideas?
Y/N- I can do it, it's built differently to the first. Only Loki and I can close it
Nat- because you're working for him?
Y/N- it was my mission

An alien fleet flies towards, bullets smashing the floor. I tackle Nat behind a destroyed taxi and protect her with my body.
Steve covers Wanda with his Shield as Tony flies after them.

Y/N- are you okay?
Nat- yeah thank you
I kiss her, I needed it. It was short and sweet but everything I needed
Nat- what was that for?
Y/N- sorry I've been gone for 3 months then tried to kill you?
Nat- good apology that
Y/N- we need to get to the source and close the portal
Nat- let's not waste any time sat here then

I grab the sword and follow Natasha, I don't remember ever using one of these before but it felt oddly natural to me.
The strokes became easier as I manoeuvred my way through the alien onslaught, destroying anything that came in my path.

We made our way up the tower and towards the device opening the portal
Nat- nows the time to do it
Y/N- okay so yeah he didn't tell me how
Nat- WHAT? You didn't think to mention that earlier
Y/N- I thought I could figure it out but it's all blurry
Nat- none of this is blurry?

I run my hand over the back of my head and pull it away covered in blood
Y/N- think I know why it's blurry

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