Part 69

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Steve POV-

Y/N and Natasha had been outside for a long time, I didn't know what was going on but we had a lead and I needed them ready.
Wanda was sent outside to get them, all three coming back in.
Y/N red faced, it looked like she had been crying whilst Nat didn't look too impressed.

Steve- everything okay?
Nat- all good.
Steve- okay, we've tracked down Michael, he was the one making the bombs
Nat- why?
Steve- we assume he was forced to but we don't know by who. Maria is running a search to see if we can identify of the men who did this
Nat- so where is he?

I explained everything to the team, a plan set in place to get Michael back safely and ask if he'd made any of weapons for them.
He was being held in a bar in central New York, roughly central to all the locations of the bombs.

Steve- Y/N, you are running with the swat team, get in and clear the building whilst we search for Michael
Y/N- understood

Usually I'd keep Natasha and Y/N together, they always worked incredible well and would always complete their tasks but something felt different today, I didn't want it too effect this mission.

We all went our own ways, Y/N over to the Swat team, instructing them on entrance and explaining through the blueprints.
Natasha and Wanda headed off into an empty room together, the door closed behind them.
Everybody could feel the tension in the air but we didn't want to deal with it, there were too many lives at stake.

*2 hours later*

Y/N- Breach.
The doors flung open and Alpha and Bravo team entered the building, both taking fire but putting the men down easily.
We followed in behind, swat needed to clear entrance for us and then we'd take it from here.
Y/N knew what she had to do and didn't overstep her mark, ordering her teams to clear the building and set up at their designated points.

We took the stairs downwards into the basement, Natasha and Wanda following behind me as Stark and Pietro cleared the top floor.

Kicking the door down, supplies were left scattered around the room. Different types of materials including wires, switches and C4 left everywhere.
Steve- anyone got Michael?
Stark- he's dead. We've got schematics for some weapon here, but I'll need to look over them at the compound.
Steve- copy that, head there now.

We searched through the room when Natasha stopped dead. No movement, her breathing nonexistent as her eyes darted around the room.
Steve- Nat?
Her finger placed against her lips, a signal to show us to be quiet as she continued searching. It took me a little time to hear it but there it was, a faint ticking noise.

Nat- we need to evacuate the building. Y/N, get your team out of here now!
But it was too late.

A large explosion from above dampened the sound of footsteps. The overwhelming smell of gas poured into the room, pipes burst from the explosion. A small window located in the corner gave us an escape route as Wanda ripped it from its hinges widening the gap enough for us to squeeze through.

There was minimal fire as swat officers trudged out one by one, but we were still missing a lot of men.
Nat- I need to get in there
I grabbed her, pulling her back. She was trying to fight against me and I understood why but I wasn't going to lose 2 members of my team today.

Wanda cleared the smoke from the building, swirling it into the air and pushing it away.
I took a deep breath before heading inside, Wanda keeping Nat away.

Everything was dark, the floor containing multiple gaps from the explosion as well as walls crumbling. I couldn't be in here long but I had to find whoever I could.
A loud clanging noise coming from the back and that's where I made me way.

An officer trapped under rubble as Y/N was laying off to the side, blood seeping through an old wound on her head.
Steve- are you okay?
Walker- I'm okay, she pushed me out of the way.
Y/N- get him out of here.
I lifted the rubble and he made his way out, treading carefully.

I headed over to Y/N and gave her a hand up, her balance wonky as I wrapped my arm around her, guiding her out of the building and towards the exit.
Natasha came running over, taking Y/N from me and heading towards a car.
Wanda, Pietro and I cleared the rest of the scene, finding any evidence to lead us to who was doing this.

Stark- I've got something, come back as soon as you can.
Steve- we are on our way.

A shield car driving us back following the car Natasha had taken for her and Y/N.

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