Part 33

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After we finished our activities, Natasha's head was resting on my bare chest as I played with her hair. Her arm wrapped around my waist and our legs entwined.

Nat- I need to talk to you about something
Y/N- uh oh, that's not something you want to hear after sex
She laughed to herself but returning to a straight face
Nat- this is serious
Y/N- okay, what's wrong babe?
Nat- so you know I was part of the red room?
Y/N- yeah what about it?
Nat- there's a ceremony when you graduate, they sterilise you. Makes for efficiency. I can't have children Y/N and I don't want you to be stuck with me or hate me for it

I took a minute to think, this was obviously painful for Nat and I needed this to be right
Nat- Y/N?
Y/N- I am so sorry they did that to you but honestly, it doesn't change a thing. So what you can't have kid? I can. There's also children out there who need a mum like you, they'd be so lucky and spoiled. It doesn't bother me if you can't have children and I certainly don't hate you because of it.

I could feel her tears on my chest as I wrapped my arms around her pulling her close
Y/N- it's okay, let it out and we can talk again when you're ready
Nat- how did I get so lucky with you?
Y/N- I don't think you did, you haven't seen me after a sugar fuelled night
She was laughing again and that made me happy. Her quiet little giggles filled the room as I kissed the top of her head before lifting her chin so she was looking at me.
Y/N- you are perfect to me and I would never change you. I love everything about you and nothing you could do or say would change that
Nat- I love you so much.

Jarvis- Miss Y/N, the new recruit will be here in 15 minutes
Y/N- looks like you better get up
Nat- what about you?
Y/N- I'm on a strict rest schedule and my fiancé would kill me if I broke it
Nat- I think she would too
I watch Natasha get dressed and picks up the file
Nat- what do I need to know?
Y/N- he's young and inexperienced, Tony found him and he's gonna be good for us but he isn't there yet.
Nat- can he fight?
Y/N- that's for you to figure out
A quick peck on my cheek and she leaves the room.

I stay in bed for a little before my phone beeps, it's an urgent meeting request from Maria. I throw some clothes on and head into the meeting room without any knowledge of what this could be about.

Nat POV-

I stood outside the main door awaiting the arrival of the new kid, his name was Peter.
The car pulled up and Happy got out opening the door for Peter. He was nervous, as he should be. I wasn't going to take things easy on him but I wouldn't hurt him either.

Peter- hey I'm Peter Parker, it's nice to meet you ma'am
Nat- Natasha Romanoff but everyone calls me Nat
Peter- hi
Nat- don't be so nervous, it's not as scary as you'd think

We walk inside and head down to the training room. The kid was ready and we started easy based on what Y/N had highlighted he needed to improve on. I taught him some simple combat moves and focused more on his defensive capabilities. He was getting better but I didn't want to push him too far, instead I felt best to talk to him.

Nat- how you feeling?
Peter- yeah I'm okay I think, you know it's scary this place cause I'm only young and all of you guys are older. Well I don't mean old obviously because you aren't
Nat- woah slow down kid
I can't help but laugh at him, he was nervous but like an excitable puppy.
The others were starting to arrive back and Peter follow me so I could introduce him to them.

The introductions have gone well, he bonded with Wanda and Pietro almost immediately but that's because they are similar ages. He took a liking to Tony and Steve, maybe because he grew up without a father.
It's been a couple hours since I've seen Y/N which is surprising because she'd normally be the one facilitating these introductions.
Nat - anyone seen Y/N?
Peter- who is that?
Tony- she's the one in charge, ex military and scary when she wants to be
Peter- oh no, does she hate me already?
Tony- No kid, she's always busy. I think she was in the meeting room Nat.

I nod and walk towards there, Y/N sat in a chair typing away at her laptop. She doesn't even notice me enter the room, her eyes never leaving the screen.
Nat- are you okay?
Y/N- fine.
Nat- wow, blunt much
Y/N- sorry love, what's wrong?
She pushes the screen down before I can see what she's working on. Nerves written all across her face and I knew she was hiding something from me, she was easy to read.
Nat- are you angry at me?
Y/N- what no? Why would I?
Nat- because of what I told you
Y/N- baby, I already told you that it doesn't effect us. I love you and nothing will change that

She couldn't maintain eye contact and her palms were sweaty, she was on edge and not like I'd seen before. I didn't know what was going on but I didn't like that she was hiding it from me.
Nat- tell me what's wrong.
Y/N- I can't, I'm not authorised to
Nat- something big?
She just nods. It seemed like she couldn't believe it herself.

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