Part 62

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My eyes flickered open, the surroundings becoming more familiar by the second but my mind not recognising where I was.

Noise was coming from somewhere, men talking to each other as a familiar voice was shouting at me
Nat- Y/N! I need you to wake up! Come on.

My hand touched my head, the blood slowly started to dry as traces moved onto my fingers.
I pushed myself up, leaning against the nearest wall, whilst my eyes met with the redhead in a cell across from me.
Nat- are you okay?
Y/N- my head hurts so much
Nat- I think you've got a concussion, you need to stay awake for me babe, you hear me?
Y/N- yeah I hear you

My eyes glanced around my new surroundings, a small rectangular cell. A bed one side of the room whilst a metal table was welded to the floor and a plastic chair went with it.

Footsteps approached as the clicking got louder, two men appeared as my cell door unlocked.
G1- Don't do anything stupid or we will kill her
I raised one hand into the air showing I was cooperating, they'd taken the brace off my other arm so it wouldn't move.
G2- get her to the chair down the hall then come back for this one.

He pulled me off the floor, my head spinning as my legs started to give way underneath me. The guard dragging me down the hall by my collar as Nat watched on, her smile the only thing encouraging me.

My arms attached to chains which were on the floor, having been lowered down from the cog by the ceiling.
Natasha was dragged in next, her lip now bleeding proved she put up a fight. Instead of being next to me, she was tied to a chair, arm and legs rendered still.
The guards shut the door behind them as they left us alone, Natasha facing me and a camera set up to the side of her.

Y/N- where are we?
Nat- I have no idea, their accents say American but one of them has a hint of something so maybe European?
Y/N- I hope it's Norway, I've always wanted to go there
I saw the smile on her face again, she knew humour was my way of keeping calm even if the jokes were shitty.

The door reopened, a woman dressed smartly clicking the camera on before walking towards me. A button on a control panel flashed as the hook started to lift, my body being pulled off the floor as I hung there by my arms.
??- welcome Ladies, shall we begin?
Nat- Who the hell are you?
??- you don't need to know that
Y/N- she looks like a bitch
??- you're correct there, I am certainly a bitch but I am also your worst nightmare
Y/N-oooo I'm so scared

Nat raised her eyebrows as she looked at me, her stern expression showing now was not the time for jokes.
??- I have questions Miss Romanoff.
Nat- so do I.
??- you answer me and maybe I'll allow you some
Nat- if I don't answer?
??- your friend over there gets punished.
The guard walked over, his fist connecting with my ribs as the air was pushed out of my lungs.

??- My name is Dr Samuels, I am a psychologist so please don't like to me because I will know.

Something wasn't right about this women and I could sense it, she wouldn't say that because we aren't meant to influence people.
Samuels- How did your friend manage to stop the bomb?

She didn't know who I was and she was asking someone else about me?
Y/N- why not ask the friend that?
Samuels- be quiet.
She didn't look at me, her hand gripping tighter to the clipboard. A flash of the paper showed nothing, no notes or files.

Y/N- don't say anything friend.
Samuels- excuse me?
Y/N- I don't know who you are but you certainly aren't trained to be doing this. You are nervous, the hand twitched prove it. The calluses on your hands show you work with them often, likely in the armoury or in manual labour. They likely chose you because the softness is in your voice so they'd think we'd trust you more but no, neither of us will say a word until the real person in charge comes in here.

Samuels stood up and walked over to me, a smirk on my face because I knew I was right. A finger raised to the comm in her ear and she sighed before leaving the room.
Nat- wow. How did you know?
Y/N- I took a calculated risk
Nat- you guessed?
Y/N- a little yeah

Time ticked on, nobody entering the room as Natasha and I didn't say a word. Glances between ourselves showing what we were feeling.
Y/N- are we going to get out of here?
Nat- eventually

I didn't know how long it had been when the men came back in, one holding a gun to Natasha's head as the other unlocked my wrists.
G1- Get up and follow me, do anything and she dies
Y/N- same as you said earlier, nice and scripted.

We were being moved to a new room, this one was bigger. The signs on the wall were American so I assumed we'd been moved back.
The guy pushed me onto the floor, throwing my arm brace at me.
G1- put it on
They couldn't know that Stark would track this? Otherwise they'd keep it off.

I did as they said, the mobility returning in my arm almost immediately.
G1- you get to fight now
Y/N- excuse me?
G1- you fight to stop us killing her
Y/N- fine.
Nat- don't you dare!
Y/N- I have to.

The guy walks through the door, must have been 6ft5 maybe and was built like a tank. Both arms were metal whilst he had no idea what he was doing. His brain had been muddled and he only knew what he was told.
Y/N- I take it this is Manuel.
G1- Manuel, Kill!

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