Part 13

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We start to fight the sentinel army and protect the power core as much as we can
A jet flies over the top and lands near us, Maria comes running over with a shield crate
Maria- the upgrades you requested Y/N, these should help you
Y/N- thank you, now get to the other side and help others out. Pietro, run the land and find anyone. Inform Clint of anyone and he will get them out

Pietro runs off as I drop to the floor with pain shooting through my head
Nat runs over and bends down in front of me
Nat- what's wrong?
Y/N- there's danger, I have to protect them
Nat- I'm coming with you
Y/N- no, I don't know what's there and you need to run the team. Vision, you listen to everything Romanoff tells you
Vision- understood

I run off and follow where I'm being pointed, I see Clint with a little girl and a sentinel flying close to them. Pietro is running over so I jump in front of them pulling Pietro behind me. I open my new shield and protect the three behind me from bullets
Thor destroys the sentinel and flies away
Y/N- you all okay?
Clint- I'm good
Pietro- you saved me, thank you
Y/N- keep going, Pietro get to Wanda and protect her
They both head off and I look down, a bullet had pierced the shield and my stomach was bleeding.
I got up and gingerly headed back to the power core spotting Ultron on his way over as well

Steve- Y/N, you're bleeding
Y/N- don't worry about me, the army is coming
We look up and see hundreds of sentinels coming towards us
Y/N- we know what we have to do, destroy them all and end Ultron
Steve- Avengers Assemble

The fight continues and everyone is pulling their weight. Caps shield and Thor's hammer flying all over the place, Wanda's red orbs striking and Clint's arrows hitting their targets cause the sentinels to be defeated.
Y/N- find Ultron, Tony and I will figure this out. Romanoff, calm down hulk and get him back to Bruce
Within 10 minutes, there's an overwhelming mass of power and I run over to an old train cart to see Wanda pulling out Ultron's heart
Y/N- you did it
Wanda- you might want this
She crushes his heart and hands me the remnants

Tony has lowered the city as I call in Shield reinforcements to clean up after us. We may have saved people but we made a right mess, it needed to be sorted out before people could return to their normal lives.
I head over to the group of avengers and they're all laughing. Wanda and Pietro are sat on their own talking
Y/N- Wanda and Pietro, do you want to come back with us?
Wanda- we do
Y/N- I'll get it sorted for you, I will do everything I can to ensure you face no charges.
Wanda- thank you
She gives me a hug before follow a couple of shield agents to a Jet

Y/N- you all did an incredible job today, so thank you and well done
Steve- without your leadership, we'd be nowhere and we hope you stay for a long time to come
Y/N- I've got a couple good reasons to stay so I've already set in place this becoming permanent
I look around and see Natasha smirking to herself, she was happy I was going to stay and honestly, I was only doing it for her.
Y/N- let's go home shall we?
Tony- and let's get drunk
Thor- Yes!
Y/N- you've all got to be medically cleared first, don't want of you ignoring your injuries
Clint- like you've been ignoring the fact you were shot an hour ago?
Nat- you were shot?
Y/N- in all fairness, I saved 3 people's lives so I don't think any of you can be angry at me and it's nothing

We all start walking back to the jet and Natasha walks next to me
Nat- are you okay?
Y/N- yeah, I'm okay. Not quite what I was expecting to do when I joined but that's the fun of it
Nat- how's the wound?
Y/N- it's a graze
I lift my shirt up so she can see
Nat- i'd call that a scratch
Y/N- hence why it doesn't hurt
Nat- so when we get back, what's the plan?
Y/N- have a couple days off and write up the reports.
Nat- any time for me?
Y/N- I've always got time for you

We arrive back at the Tower and Fury is waiting for us
Fury- Y/N, we need to talk
Y/N- yes sir
I follow him into the meeting room and take a seat
Y/N- is everything okay?
Fury- you did incredibly well Y/N, that mission was not what you signed up for but you coped. I just wanted to say congratulations and I hope the new weapon was a success
Y/N- Vision saved a lot of people today, he was invaluable to us
Fury- well then, he's now part of your team. Also, we are moving the avengers to a compound that's more secure and better facilities. The Maximoff twins will meet you there tomorrow and the rest will move in next week
Y/N- understood sir

Fury leaves and I take a seat next to Steve
Steve- did he fire you?
Y/N- No actually, he thanked me. He also told me I'm heading out tomorrow
Steve- to do what?
Y/N- head to our new home and settle in the Maximoff's, I'll be there a few days before you all join
Steve- Nat's gonna miss you
Y/N- excuse me?
Steve- don't deny it Y/N, we all know about you two
Y/N- all of you?
Steve- it's pretty obvious, Nat doesn't like people but with you, she's a completely open book. Go tell her

I head to her room and knock on the door
Nat- come in
Y/N- hey beautiful
Nat- what did Fury want?
Y/N- the Avengers are moving so I head there early before you do, I'll only be gone a couple days
Nat- I was hoping we could spend time together
Y/N- don't worry, I've still got tonight with you

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