Part 9

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When I wake up it's mid afternoon and Nat has gone. There's some pain killers and water left next to my bed so I take them before getting up.
I throw on a pair of shorts and a baggy jumper as well as my baseball cap.
I can hear Maria talking downstairs so I follow the sound and find them all preparing for a mission.

Y/N- what's going on?
Maria- hey you're awake, take a seat
Y/N- I'm okay standing thanks, you going to clue me in on what's happening?
Maria- we found Ultron, he's got the Maximoff twins and they're at a warehouse. He used connections and stole vibranium
Y/N- why does he need that?
Tony- I think he's creating an armour for his consciousness
Y/N- brilliant, so when do we leave?
Nat- you aren't going anywhere
Y/N- excuse me? Did I just hear you right?
Nat- seriously Y/N, you should still be in bed
Y/N- I'm going, end of discussion. Send me the mission plan and I'll read myself in.

I leave the meeting room and the avengers all watch. I knew I shouldn't be going but this was serious and I wasn't going to let them fight him without me.
Steve- you know you shouldn't be going on this mission so why are you?
Y/N- I've had too many people I care about die, I'm not going to let it become more
Steve- we are trained for this
Y/N- so were the men and women who died under my command
Steve- this isn't the same thing Y/N
Y/N- you know what it's like to not be there and have someone under your command die, I am not going through that again. I am going whether you like it or not.

We arrive at the warehouse and I get off the jet first, we took 2 jets both equipped with cells in case we capture the twins.
Y/N- follow the plan and let's see what happens.

Steve, Tony and Thor walk into the warehouse first, Nat and Clint head to the second floor whilst I watch from behind.
I hide behind an interior wall, it's a good vision point to see the guys talking with Ultron. The twins are stood to the side of him
Wanda- did you not bring that bitch with you?
I can feel the anger in my body, she's already tried to kill me once and now she's going at me again
Nat- don't let her get into your head Y/N, hold your position
The fighting starts and I join in, Wanda notices me early and makes her way towards me. I hold off as many of the robot army but Wanda gets to me.
With one swift movement, she sends me flying.

Y/N- what's your problem with me?
Wanda- I don't like Stark, he killed my family and now I kill his
Y/N- I'm not his family, I'm his boss
Wanda- that's good enough for me
I avoid her strikes as she keeps coming, Thor flies over and takes Wanda with him
Steve- you okay Y/N?
Y/N- yeah I'm all good, don't let them get away

I keep fighting but I can no longer see Wanda, Pietro is speeding around and I watch him as best as I can. I grab the tranquilliser gun and aim in his direction when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
Within seconds, I lose control of my body dropping the gun to the floor. My legs start to feel numb as I drop to the floor, with a tug on my collar someone is dragging me back.
They push me against the wall and bend down in front of me
Wanda- I'm not allowed to kill you, so I'm going to hurt you as much as I can. You enjoy these memories, I'm sure your fiancé is glad she's gone.

Red light sparks from her fingers as she enters my head wriggling through all my memories before landing on the one she wants
Wanda- this is going to be fun

Clint POV-
The witch was messing with all of us, Nat and Y/N were both down. They looked mesmerised by something but there was nothing there, just them staring into the nothingness.
I couldn't help them right now, we had to keep going to stop Ultron and I would get to them as soon as I could.
Clint- guys, something is wrong with the girls
Tony- she's showing them things, you need to snap them out of it. You get Nat and then we will worry about Y/N
Clint- we can't leave her like that
Tony- we won't, they took her as far from us as possible. It's not easy to get there

I follow the instructions and fight my way to Nat
Clint- hey, I've got you
I clap my hands in front of her face and there's nothing, she isn't properly there.
Clint- crap, what do I do?
The witch has everyone under her control, it's only Tony and I left.
Thor and Cap are dazed but walking around, Natasha is starting to come around but I can't see Y/N anymore. Where the hell is she?
The witch falls to the floor in pain and the trance is lifted
Ultron- let's get out of here
He leaves and the speedster takes the witch and runs off
Clint- Someone find Y/N now

I turn around looking for her when I feel Nat moving around
Clint- are you okay? What happened?
Nat- I.. I don't
Clint- it's okay, just calm down. We can figure this out later but first, we need to get out of here
I help Nat up and we head out of the building. Steve has made his way outside while Thor trails behind us
Clint- where the hell is Y/N?
Tony- I've searched the building and she isn't here
I look at Nat who is still in a daze when there's noise coming from the side exit of the building
Clint- Nat stay here
Steve takes her and I follow the noise, Y/N has no idea what's going on. She's sat on the floor with her hands wrapped around her knees, whatever the witch did to her had a bad effect
Clint- you're okay, I'm here
Nothing. She doesn't even acknowledge that I'm there, I needed her to snap out of this so I slap her.
Her eyes dart to mine
Y/N- what the hell?

I help her up and she shrugs me off walking back towards the jet
Y/N- we can't go back to the tower, set in course extraction CF.
Clint- are you sure?
Y/N- it's the best thing, take the jet and get them all there. I'll take the other and grab what we need before meeting you there
Clint- you shouldn't go on your own
Y/N- Get them to safety Clint, that's an order
And with that, she left.

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