Part 61

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I entered the building, Tony scanning around to find the strongest energy source, the likelihood was the bomb was there.

Tony- I've got it, let's go.

I followed Tony down the hall, taking down the armed men when needed and directing out civilians who'd been trapped inside.

We'd located the room and I picked the lock, the door swinging open.
Tony- you've got this Kid, I'll keep anyone away from here
Y/N- tune into the camera, I might need help
Tony- always here.

The room was cold, temperature controlled.
Light turned down and changed with blue bulbs, a way to regulate the chemicals being used in the bomb. There was nobody guarding it but I figured they didn't expect anyone to come near it or even try to disarm it.

"Okay Y/N, you've got this" I thought to myself, gently placing my bag on the floor and grabbing the scanner.
I grabbed the headlight and placed it in position, the camera slotting in next to it as I switched it on.
Y/N- visual is up.

The scanner identified the time, reading 17:23 and slowly ticking down. I had little time but it was better than having none.
The bomb had been designed to explode, 3 trip switches as well as multiple phones attached, wires slotted into 16 blocks of C4.

The detonators had been molded around the C4 and therefore causing it to be more unstable than usual.

Oscar- full scan complete, sending the scans to the mini print.
I grabbed it out, documents flowing out as I placed them on the floor exploring options to stop this thing from detonating.
There was one wire that was holding everything together, it connected the power block to the detonation switches.
The phones were decoys, never going to be used for a bomb of this magnitude.

Y/N- Steve, private line.
Steve- what's up?
Y/N- wheres Nat?
Steve- south Corner
Y/N- get her out and away from the building
Steve- what? Why?
Y/N- if I can't stop this from blowing up then Mila can't lose both her Mothers, she needs Natasha.

It went silent, I could hear his breathing and it was unsteadying, the worry he had was worse than me and I was the one sat in front of a bomb that would blow me into small chunks.
Steve- copy that, outside to help move civilians back
Y/N- Thank you Steve
Steve- My Pleasure Major Clarke.

I heard the chatter over comms in the background but I was too focused. My hands needed to be steady and I needed to be ready for anything, one slip or twitch and it could be game over for me.

I grabbed a screwdriver, the cover of the mainframe being removed allowing me access to the circuity.
I had to find a way to remove the unnecessary wires first and that meant tracking all of them through the the bomb and to its origin point, some connected to detonators and some there to throw me off.

I'd removed three wires and identified 4 which was explosive, that left three remaining with 5:34 on the clock. This was taking a long time and it was going right down to the end.

Y/N- Maria, I need a private line with Natasha.
Maria- sure, it won't be fully private, I'll still be able to hear it
Y/N- that's fine.

Nat POV-

Steve and I had moved outside, the time was ticking down and we needed to move the blast radius zone as far back as possible. Civilians being loaded onto buses and driven away whilst any hotels or apartment complexes were being evacuated.

Maria- Nat, you're on a private line with Y/N

Y/N- hey so I don't have much time here but I needed to tell you something
Nat- don't do this
Y/N- I love you Natasha, I've loved you since our first kiss under the stars and even when you went away, I still loved you. I left because I couldn't face you being with someone else and it's happening again so I needed to tell you.
I love the way you are with Mila and how you're such a good mother, I love how even though you're a deadly assassin that you still show such compassion for people and you care about everyone. I love how you talk in your sleep and how you giggle if being tickled.
I love everything about you Natasha Romanoff and I will never stop loving you.

The tears pricked me eyes, I could feel she was being truthful but I didn't expect it.
Nat- I love you too

I checked my watch and there was only 78 seconds left.
Nat- get out of there Y/N, we can leave and be together please!
Y/N- I'm so close, please go!

I walked behind the barriers, a special protection put in place in case the bomb went off.
The irons suit came flying out the door and landed behind us
Nat- you abandoned her?
Tony- she told me to leave
Nat- why?
Tony- Pepper is pregnant okay!

Steve- 3....2.....1....
There was nothing. No explosion or anything.
I couldn't wait, I hurdled the barriers and ran into the building making my way towards the back.

I entered the back room, Y/N laying on the floor whilst men stood around her
Nat- what the hell?
Everything went dark soon after, my body joining hers on the floor.

Steve POV-

I watched Natasha run inside and went to follow but couldn't, armed men flooding in from either side stopping us.

The bullets ricocheted off the barriers, the protection could hold out until we needed it.
Bucky- what do we do here?
Peter- do I need to web them or wait? Cause I really don't want to be shot
Steve- Tony, get in the air and disarm them
Tony- already on it.

Mini explosions sent the men flying, Peter webbing their hands and legs so they couldn't move.
I made my way inside and nothing.
Both of them were gone and the only thing left were their weapons and comms.

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