Part 11

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Nat POV-
Y/N moves aside and welcomes me in to the camper van, it's huge and has so much room for the both of us. I can see why this was part of the contingency plan, it had everything in there for Y/N to survive for days.

Y/N- how you feeling?
Nat- this is all so overwhelming, like we are trying to fight a robot and 2 enhanced beings. How the hell are we supposed to win? Then the witch can manipulate all of us and I just don't know what to do anymore
Y/N- you seem a little stressed, are you sleeping?
Nat- not really, I don't really feel tired
Y/N- you tired now?
Nat- not at all
She smirks to herself and grabs her coat
Nat- what are you doing?
Y/N- do you trust me?
Nat- of course I do
Y/N- I'll be 10 minutes, stay here

She runs out of the van and I'm sat here waiting for her. The 10 minutes haves passed and she comes back inside.
Y/N- you ready?
Nat- I guess that depends on what's happening
Y/N- I'm about to share with you the way I relax when I'm stressed
Nat- lead the way then
I follow Y/N out of the van and round the corner

 Y/N- you ready?Nat- I guess that depends on what's happening Y/N- I'm about to share with you the way I relax when I'm stressedNat- lead the way thenI follow Y/N out of the van and round the corner

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Nat- what's this?
Y/N- we are going to watch the stars, talk as much or as little as you want but it won't be about work.
Nat- then what about?
Y/N- you or me, our favourite things or something you wish you could do or just anything really. You need to relax and this is the best way
Nat- thank you, nobody has ever done this for me before.
Y/N- you've never found the right person then

I don't normally do this for anyone but Nat wasn't just anyone, I cared about her a lot and I wanted her to feel good and be happy because she deserved it.

I hop into the back of the truck and help Nat in, I lay down and she rests her head against my shoulder whilst we both watch the stars

Nat- I have to say, this is very relaxing
Y/N- it's nice, no matter what happens the world will keep going but these stars don't change. They keep glistening even in the darkest moments and show a light to a better path
Nat- alright Shakespeare, calm down
Y/N- it's true though
Nat- so tell me about yourself?
Y/N- well what do you want to know?
Nat- what are you scared of?
Y/N- oh going straight for the tough questions, I'd say my biggest phobia is Clowns
Nat- seriously? You fought in wars and you're scared of clowns?
Y/N- have you seen them? Their pale faces with bright red noses and weird make up, nah I'm alright thanks
She laughs into my shoulder and I smile.

Nat- you got any family?
Y/N- my parents are still around but I don't talk to them much, I was an only child as well so
Nat- is your relationship good with them or not?
Y/N- it's poor, I only talk to them on birthdays and special occasions. You got any family?
Nat- nope, if I do then they don't matter to me
Y/N- I get that
Nat- are you close to anyone?
Y/N- Maria is my best friend, she's helped me through so much and I could never thank her enough
Nat- was she there when Ella died?
Y/N- she told me, I was in hospital and I woke up with her there
Nat- can you tell me what happened?

I take a deep breath
Y/N- I'd just come home from deployment, I'd spent 2 years around different countries in the Middle East. I got back and Ella picked me up, she was driving because I was too tired.
A drunk driver ploughed into the side of us and we rolled. I woke up and the car was upside down, I couldn't move and all I could hear was nothingness. Silence.
Nat- I am so sorry
Y/N- everything else is a blur, the next thing I remember is waking up in hospital. Fractured spine, lacerated spleen and a broken ankle.  Maria was crying next to me and that's when she told me about Ella.
Nat- how did you deal with it?
Y/N- I didn't
Nat- how so?
Y/N- spent 2 months in hospital and had a lot of therapy for physical and mental damage. As soon as I was medically cleared, I deployed again and spent 6 months out there.
Nat- then what?
Y/N- I completed the mission I was on and Fury offered me a job. I accepted and then spent a few months reading up on everyone, following you guys for a while and watching missions
Nat- creepy much
Y/N- and now I'm here
Nat- you've been through a lot
Y/N- I have and I'm sure it won't be the end of it, I've got these idiots to deal with yet
We both laugh and I pull her closer to me, I needed someone right now. I never talk about the accident but I felt safe around her.

We spend the next couple hours talking and it's starting to get late, we keep things lighter and have fun.
Y/N- we should head to bed, it's getting late
Nat- I wish we could stay here, just me and you
Y/N- why's that?
Nat- this whole night has been perfect, you are perfect
Y/N- I'm far from perfect
Nat- you are perfect to me

She lifts her head up and leans closer, our lips centimetres apart
Nat- can I kiss you?

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