Part 2

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Bruce POV-
Natasha had been brought to the compound, the surveillance footage showed it was a man, brown hair and around 6 foot.
None of us recognised him but Nat identified him as the man who brought her back her.
Nat- Bruce, any chance I can get something for the pain?
Bruce- yeah, hold on
I walked into the storage room and found a list of treatments written down alongside all the medications Nat had been given. I read through them all and realised, everything wasn't as it seemed.

Saving Natasha was something I had to do, they may never know it was me who got her out of the warehouse or who got her back to the compound but I knew and that's all that mattered.
I have transformed myself into some guy I saw on the street the day before, my others were the friends he hung out with.

After leaving the compound, I teleported myself straight to Fury's office where he was sat waiting
Fury- is she okay?
Y/N- she will be fine, I left as the avengers arrived back. They didn't see me
Fury- good, thank you Sonny
Y/N- that's a name I haven't heard in a while
Fury- they need you back, things haven't been going to plan since you left
Y/N- how can I just go back there?
Fury- I know you've seen Parker every month since you left, you've still got a friend there

He was right, whenever Peter needed me I was there for him. He had become my little brother and leaving him was so hard that I couldn't do it. We often played video games and ate takeout together, it was simple and felt like a normal life.
Y/N- I'm happy at my job though?
Fury- I know but I've got a new recruit at the avengers and I want you to make sure they are fully capable of being one of you
Y/N- one of us?
Fury- we transferred your contract to the avengers initiative as soon as you rescued Romanoff
Y/N- I have no choice in this matter I'm guessing?
Fury- let's go meet your team, you are gate crashing their welcoming party tomorrow

Perfect. This is exactly what I didn't want. I can't say I left on the best terms and now I'm going to have to deal with the effects of that.
Y/N- when do I meet the new recruit?
Fury- you will meet her tomorrow, spend the day with her and see what you think. You'll both go to the party tomorrow. Tony is expecting the new recruit, you are the little surprise.

*The Next Morning*

Connecting with the new arrival was going to be tough, I had read her file and she was an interesting character. A former Air Force Pilot so I could already guarantee she wasn't going to like me.

I'd been sat at the cafe around 10 minutes waiting for the newbie, I'd arrived early and got a table in the location Fury has agreed.
I could see her walking towards me, leather jacket and a baseball cap. She was trying to blend in and it was working, I lifted my hand up slightly and signalled her over to me

Y/N- the names Sonny, want anything to drink?
??- No thanks, I'm okay
Y/N- what name do you go by?
??- Carol or Danvers
Y/N- okay Danvers, it's nice to meet you
Carol- likewise Sonny
We spend the next couple hours talking, she tells me about her powers and how she got them. I tell her about my past and how the Avengers saved me from Hydra. She didn't look too happy about it but she understood.
Carol- it's been great chatting but I need to get ready for tonight
Y/N- sounds like a plan, want me to pick you up?
Carol- that would be great, here's where I'm staying
Y/N- perfect, we've got to be there at 9 so I'll pick you up at 8:30
Danvers smiles at me before walking off into the crowd, she was going to fit in nicely with the Avengers. She had a huge ego but knew when she was wrong and could admit it, they needed someone like her.

I headed home as started getting ready. I wanted to look good, I'd worked hard on my body over the last couple years and I was even more muscular than before. I needed it for myself to know that I could deal with what was thrown at me and I wanted to show that to them tonight.
I put on a tight pair of black trousers and a white shirt, leaving the top couple of buttons open. A black pair of heels completed the look and I headed to my car, I took some trainers with me because I couldn't for the life of me drive in heels.
I picked up Danvers and we made our way to the party, she was quiet on the journey. I assumed she was nervous.

Y/N- we are here
Carol- wow, this is a lot more than I expected
Y/N- it's a little daunting at first but they are all amazing. Don't worry, you aren't the only nervous one here.
Carol- what happens if they don't like me?
Y/N- I'll be here for you no matter what, I've got to make sure this is right for you before what the team feel.
Carol- you'll be on my side?
Y/N- unless you're an ass
I offer her my arm and she links hers to mine as we walk into the compound, I allow her to walk ahead as she's who Stark is expecting. I hang back lurking around a corner and can hear everyone welcoming her
Carol- there's a friend here to see you as well
Wow. She really did that to me, I couldn't hide any longer so I walked around the corner and I could feel everyone's eyes on me.
Y/N- Well, it seems that I'm back

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