Part 23

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Nat POV-

When I wake up, Y/N isn't in bed. I look around the room noticing her phone and EarPods are gone as well.
That would usually mean she's either training or out on a run but she hadn't been doing that recently because of Wanda.

I get up and throw on some clothes and head straight to the training room to find it empty.
Nat- Jarvis, what time did Y/N leave?
Jarvis- Miss Stevenson left at 04:12 and hasn't returned since.
I look down at my watch and it's not 08:06 which meant Y/N had been gone nearly 4 hours.
Nat- Track Y/N's location
Jarvis- unfortunately her phone has been turned off and her last known location was here at the compound

What the hell was that girl up to? I didn't have time to think about that but instead went down to see Wanda who was chatting away with Peter
Peter- hey Nat
Nat- you alright kid?
Peter- yeah I just thought I'd catch up with Wanda, we haven't spoken in ages and I was telling her about this new video game I got

I loved this kid, he was a lot at once but his heart was in the right place. He talked about his game for what felt like eternity but was actually only 10 minutes
Nat- have either of you seen Y/N?
Wanda- nope, Bruce has been doing the checks and tests today
Nat- that's strange
Wanda- do you think something is wrong?
Nat- no, reckon she just needs a day to herself

Okay so yes I lied to Wanda but where was the harm in that? I didn't want to worry her or out any excess stress on her plate.
I try to call Y/N but it goes straight to Voicemail, I knew something was wrong but I didn't want to delve too deep into her world.
She may be an Avenger but she was always going to be the one who worked for Hydra and the Ghost.

I'd spent the day with Wanda and she was getting tired so I left her to rest.
It was now 9:37pm and Y/N wasn't back yet, none of us could get in contact with her and I was worried.
I head into the kitchen and grab some water as well as some food because I was going to wait until Y/N got home.

Hours passed when she strolled into the compound
Nat- where the hell have you been?
Y/N- I went out
This wasn't Y/N, I could smell the alcohol from here and she never drank
Nat- where did you go?
Y/N- oh you know, just out and about
Nat- you stink of alcohol
Y/N- well when you get a bottle thrown at you then it tends to make you smell
Nat- so you aren't drunk?
Y/N- you know I can't drink

Something was off with her, her eyes were puffy and she didn't seem her upbeat self. I didn't want to press the issue but I wanted to let her know I was here for her if she needed me.
Nat- look, I'm sorry for getting angry. You scared me, you left without telling anyone and you haven't picked up your phone in hours
Y/N- I got bad news
Nat- what happened?
Y/N- honestly, I don't want to talk about. I just want to sleep

Tonight was the first time I'd slept on my own in months and I hated it. Wanda or Y/N were always with me and I could never sleep without them. If they were on missions then I waited for them to come back, I'd be sleep deprived for days hoping they'd be okay.

I couldn't sleep so I head towards Y/N's room to see her light off and door closed. It's 02:21 and she's not in her room.
I wonder around the compound and find her sat with Wanda who is sound asleep

Nat- hey
She notices me and looks over
Y/N- hey, is everything okay?
Nat- I think I should be asking you that
Y/N- I'm not getting any better, the treatments have stopped working
Nat- how long do you have?
Y/N- it's excelling quicker than ever before so I'd be lucky to have a couple months

Months. The women I loved with all my heart was going to die before I could even figure us out

Nat- does it hurt?
Y/N- everyday
Nat- is there nothing we can do?
Y/N- I've tried everything I can think of
Nat- I can't lose you
Y/N- you'll be okay, you're strong and beautiful, persistent and caring but most importantly, you can survive without me. Wanda is here for you and is perfect for you, don't lose her
Nat- I don't want to be without you
Y/N- I might not be here in body but I'll always be here in spirit
Nat- that's bullshit Y/N, I need you. I want to be able to touch you and hug you, kiss you when you're sad and give you everything you need to be happy. Don't you understand, we need you!

Her face falls as we realise Wanda has woken up, tears roll down her face as she takes Y/N's hand in hers
Wanda- don't leave me
Y/N- I don't want to but one day, it'll happen. I need you to protect each other and be there when I die
Nat- stop saying that!

I can't even look at her right now, she doesn't realise how hard this is going to be for Wanda and I. She's given up on us and I won't have.
I storm out of the room and head back to mine, I needed some time to myself to figure this out.

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