Part 38

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Nat POV-

It's been 1 year to the day since Y/N went missing. We searched everywhere for her but it was like she disappeared.
There was no trace of her anywhere and no trace of the people who took her. We did everything we could to identify them but nothing.

Wanda and I had drifted apart, we were still there for each other but not in the way when Y/N was around. Missions were rare and things had started to become quieter around town.
Hydra hadn't been seen in years and even though there were rumours they were planning something, Shield wasn't taking them seriously.

Clint retired, Tony and Pepper got married, I spent some time in Russia seeing if I could track Y/N down and Wanda was spending a lot of time with a new guy, he wasn't even real but she liked him.
Peter still patrolled the streets as Spider-Man and protected his neighbourhood as best as he could.

It was a Monday morning and I got up early. Steve was already awake and making breakfast.
Steve- you're up early
Nat- couldn't sleep
Steve- thinking about Y/N again?
Nat- I just wish I knew what happened
Steve- well I've got something that could distract you?
Nat- god yes, anything
Steve clicks the TV on and the news appears.

Reporter- In the early hours of this morning, New York Central Bank was robbed. The two masked assailants entered the building without tripping the alarm. Making their way to the vault and opening it in 27 seconds before getting away with what is reported to be $8 million. No images have been released of the assailants but in due course, more information will be released.

Nat- wow, that's impressive and all but why does this concern us?
Steve slides a photo across the table

Nat- Hydra are back?Steve- yes and the question is why do they need so much money?Nat- let's go have a look, shall we?

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Nat- Hydra are back?
Steve- yes and the question is why do they need so much money?
Nat- let's go have a look, shall we?


I arrived back at base with the money in hand, dropping it in front of Red Skull
RS- well done Virtue, impressive work.
I nod my head. I wasn't allowed to talk much, I was programmed to know to speak only when necessary rather out of need.

RS- the avengers are involved already, they're at the back securing the scene and taking the CCTV footage, did you make sure it caught a glimpse of the badge?
Y/N- yes sir.
RS- good, you've earned your keep for today. Shower up and your food will be delivered to your room.

I did as he said and awaited the food. My room was simple, a bed, some furniture for my clothes and a TV so I didn't get too bored.
I spent most of my time in the gym training with 26, that was my partner. He didn't have a name but just a number.
He was incredibly skilled in all forms of fighting and he was the one who cracked the safe whilst I kept watch. We'd been doing missions together for 6 months now and we'd never failed.

I underwent procedures every week to ensure I was at optimal levels.
They were meant to enhance me and they did but only some of me, my teleportation and telekinesis were better than ever but my other powers had been eradicated.
I didn't need them though, I was more than capable of destroying anything that stood in my way with my bare hands.

Guard- The Boss needs to see you V
I Chuck on some shorts and a baggy T-shirt. There was only 6 people who knew my real identity and I wasn't one of them. I didn't remember a day where I wasn't V.
The boss, scientist and 4 guards knew who I was and they weren't allowed to tell me. I couldn't ask questions or I'd be punished. I went through enough pain without loading it on myself.

RS- the avengers are making you their key target, it's time to take action and show up when they least expect it. We've sent rumours out that you and 26 will be out tonight on a hit, it's a trap. Kill as many of them as you can
Y/N- understood
RS- good. The file will be in your room. Eat your food and rest before tonight.

I sat looking through the file and it felt familiar. I recognised a lot of the avengers and it almost felt like I knew them but how?
I'd never met them before and today would be the first time that I'd see them with my own eyes.

26- Yo V, which ones do you want?
Our rooms were next to each other and there was a small vent which we could talk through. We weren't allowed to see one another but that was okay, we could plan well enough like this.
Y/N- I like the look of Widow and Metal Arm. I reckon they're easy targets.
26- awesome, they're gonna send everyone so I reckon we tag team on witchy and Iron man, they're going to be hard to stop
Y/N- agreed, what about Mr Perfect?
26- right the captain, leave him to me.
Y/N- sounds like a plan

It's time to go and I've suited up. It was plain black and had padded areas so nobody could identify my gender. A voice modulated was fitted as well. A belt around my waist to hold my weapons as well as a holster on my thigh and a hidden one on my ankle.
26 looked the same apart from the fact he was taller and more muscular than me.

RS- a word Virtue.
26 takes my bag and heads to the jet whilst I walk over to my boss
RS- don't get caught. If 26 gets captured then you kill him, understood?
Y/N- Yes Sir.
RS- now go. I don't want you back here until you complete this mission.

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