Part 40

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Nat POV-

Nat- I'm telling you, I'd recognise that saying anywhere. I know it was her
Steve- look, she disappeared over a year ago, why resurface now and with Hydra?
Nat- I don't know but
Wanda- but nothing Natasha, you are stood there wishing it was her but it's not. She is dead.

The room is filled with deafening silence after that statement, everyone had been thinking it but nobody had ever had the guts to say it.
Wanda- it's been year now and I've finally figured out how to think about her without it ripping my heart to pieces. I loved that girl with everything I had and she's gone, she was never going to be here forever and even if we were meant for her, she's not coming back. I can't do this anymore Natasha, you need to let her go before she eats away and kills you.

The tears were rolling down her face as she headed to her room, I tried to follow but a gentle hand on my wrist stopped me.
Vision- it's okay Miss Romanoff, I'll talk to her.
Of course he would, he had loved her from the second he was created and Wanda liked his manipulation. It gave her something to feel but I didn't get it. He wasn't even a real person, he was something Tony made in his lab when he was bored, he was an ass as well.
Nat- I'm heading out, don't wait up for me.

Narrator POV-

You'd been at the bar for a while now, you couldn't get drunk easily anymore although, it was still possible.
Round after round and you kept going. The door opened and a quick glance showed Widow.
'Shit' you thought to yourself as you took off into the bathroom.

Your head hurting as flashes of memories came back to you. The more you saw Natasha Romanoff, the more you felt like you'd known each other.
You watched her for a couple hours, drinking alone at the bar before she left.
You always had my suit with you, it was some super technological suit so with one click of a button, it was on.
You followed her to a secluded area before landing in front of her, guns pointed at you within a second

Nat- Virtue.
Y/N- I'm not here to hurt you
Nat- why are you here?
Y/N- why do I feel like I know you?
Nat- I don't know, show me who you are and I can tell if we've ever met before
Y/N- I have these flashes in my head, times it felt like we spent together?
Nat- tell me one
Y/N- there was this one, it feels like a house in the country or something? A gym and I was doing pull ups
Nat- I walked in staring at you, you laughed thinking it was weird that I couldn't take my eyes off you
Y/N- what the hell is happening?
Nat- they've messed with your head, come with me and I can help you

She offers her hand out and you take a step forward until a noise comes from being you. The roar of Iron Mans boosters as you pulled away
Y/N- you called for help?
Nat- No Y/N, please don't go
Y/N- I thought I could trust you but I was wrong...

You break away running down the streets over rooftops and through dark alleyways finding cover at any point as the suit followed in the air.
The sound died down as it disappeared. You knew you had to go back to base but it didn't feel like home anymore.

You arrive back at base and immediately get pulled into another room, restraints right around your wrists and ankles.
RS- you betrayed us tonight, speaking with the opposition. You could have killed her but you didn't, why?
Y/N- I know her, don't I?
RS- Yes
Y/N- what is she to me?
RS- you loved her but not anymore
Y/N- I know them all, why?
RS- they were your team until we made you better

Days passed as Hydra tortured you. New cuts and bruises formed all over you body as they tried to break you but never once did you fault. They rewrote your brain again, pushing the old memories down and filling them with new ones. Painful memories of how the avengers betrayed you explaining any reason why you knew them.

RS- take her back to her cell, clean her up and make sure she eats.
A guard on each arm as they dragged your bloody body to the cell, opening your eyes the blood trail running down the hallway showed where you had been.
Y/N- I didn't do anything wrong
Guard- we know, we just follow what we are told to do V
They helped you into the shower, none of them dared come in whilst you were in there. They may be an evil organisation but they still respected boundaries. Giving you new clothes, you walked out and sat on the bed.
Trays of food brought in as you replenish the energy lost but it coming no where close to fend off the pain your body felt.

Time always passed slowly when locked in the cell. They messed with the lights keeping you awake at all times of day and night, music blaring if you fell asleep when you shouldn't be.
It was quiet until a loud explosion roared through the base, your body to weak to stand as you lay there expecting this to be the end.
Footsteps approaching as you grab a gun laying near you, aiming for the door.
The door creaked open and a face appeared round the side
??- put the gun down, please
Y/N- what are you doing here?
??- you needed saving and I'm here to do that
Y/N- I don't know you
??- it's okay Y/N, we can talk about who I am another day but first, we need to get you to safety.
Y/N- why would I trust you?
??- you have no reason to

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