Part 48

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Wanda POV-

I stood there watching the building collapse as the roar of an exhaust overcomes the sounds of the building dropping.
The car hurtling towards us as the gun fire ripped through the air, bullets soaring in every direction.
Y/N running over to Peter as Nat pulled me to the ground, Tony firing his repulsors as the car becomes engulfed in flames.

I jump up and run towards him, his hands covered in blood as I look down at Y/N.

Narrator POV-

You struggled to keep your eyes open, the bullets ripped through your stomach as the blood poured out, pooling around your limp body.
A grunt escaped your lips as pressure was applied, the pain hurtling through your body as your suit was cut off and your wounds started being seen to.

A hand grabbed yours as you rolled your head, tears rolling down Wanda's face as you squeeze her hand, a signal that everything will be okay.
Wanda- I've got you, I promise I'm not going anywhere
Your eyes become heavy as Noah runs over with the medical bag, he freezes in the moment as Steve rips the bag from his hand.
You signal to Wanda to read your mind and she looks confused for a second but you lower down the blocks

Y/N- The details to my bank accounts are in my safe, there's plenty in there to take care of Noah and Elijah.
Wanda- stop! You aren't going to die
Y/N- listen to me, I remembered everything. I know who you are to me, you've never just been the girl from the bar but you're the girl who saved my life. You gave me a new family and another love, you accepted me for who I was and allowed me to thrive.
I love you so much and I never stopped, tell Nat I love her too.

She didn't get a chance to reply, your grip on her hand loosening as your heart rate plummeted.
Steve- we are loosing her!
Tony- get the paddles ready, time to shock.
The continuous CPR regained a heart beat, your body struggling to stay as Steve called to Bruce.

Steve- Y/N's down, 3 shots to the stomach and chest. CPR has been done and we aren't sure if she's gonna make it back.
Bruce- I'll call in the help, we will be ready.

You were loaded onto the jet and they took off immediately. Noah had regained his composure and he placed an IV.
Nat and Wanda watching from a distance as nobody was allowed near you unless they were helping.
Peter hadn't said a word, he was in shock.

You slowly open your eyes, the lights blurring together as you hear a familiar voice
Noah- you're going to be okay
Blood spluttering out of your mouth as you cough, you knew in your head this was bad. Not many people usually survived things like this but you weren't like any person.

Hours passed as Clint flew the jet back, landing at the compound to see a whole medical team waiting for you.
Dr Cho- take her straight to surgery, no time to waste.

Wanda looked down at her blood stained hands, the shakes taking over as she can't find the momentum to take any steps. Her whole body stopping in place.
Nat- it's okay, I've got you. We can stay here as long as you need.
Your blood covered the floor, the whole jet was covered. Wanda's eyes met the wheel marks, the blood trail leading towards the medical wing as random drops followed the pathway.

They rushed you into surgery, DR Cho taking the lead as Bruce aided her.
The bullets needed to be removed but they had to get precise scans to see the damage. The aim was to keep you alive, your career was not in their thoughts.

Painkillers now coursing through your veins as a new IV was placed increasing the flow of fluids and blood into your body.
Your eyes open as you try to sit up, hands pushing your shoulders back down. You look down, the blood covering your stomach and the holes covering you.

Bruce- you need surgery Y/N, anything we should know?
You just shake your head. Your jaw was too much pain to try and move it.
DR Cho- I'm going to do everything I can Y/N
The oxygen mask placed over your mouth as the drowsiness took over, your body drifting into a deep sleep as the surgery started.

The surgery took hours, the bullets had caused mass damage to your internal organs.
The removed a kidney as well as repairing your liver. A tube placed in your chest to side the repair of a collapsed lung as your breathing continued to struggle.
Machines took over controlling your body as Dr Cho placed you into an induced coma, your body needed the pressure removed to repair.

The surgeons cleaned themselves up, trudging their way to the main room.
Wanda sat on Nat's lap, her head resting in the crease of her neck as tears rolled down both their cheeks.
Tony comforting Peter whilst Eli and Noah sat together in silence.

'How is she' the words broke the deafening silence as Steve spoke up.
All eyes fell on Bruce as he started to explain the surgery, more tears falling as Wanda felt the pain you were in.
Bruce- in all honesty, we just don't know what's going to happen.
Wanda- what do you mean you don't know?!
Bruce- her condition is...
Wanda- her name is Y/N
Bruce- yes, Y/N's condition is touch and go. The rest is down to her now.

Everyone went their separate ways, they all wanted to see Y/N but couldn't bring themselves to do it yet. The realisation of losing her had started to sink in, it wasn't something they had ever prepared themselves for but they all started to think about how it was becoming a possibility.

You lay in the hospital bed, wounds sewn as your body pushes itself into overdrive to help fix the remaining damage.
All the bullet fragments removed and the damage repaired but it wasn't over, not even close.

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