Part 20

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Tony had called a meeting which all the avengers had to attend. I wasn't feeling like going considering I didn't want to face any of them but I had to and Wanda made sure I did

Wanda- it's going to be okay, he just wants to ask you what happened
Y/N- I don't really want to talk about it though
Wanda- I'm sorry but you're going to have to
Y/N- let's get this over and done with

She takes my hand and we walk down the to meeting room to see everyone waiting for us. There's only one spare seat so I let Wanda take it and I stand away from the rest of them

Tony- Fury informed me of who your captors were
Y/N- my family even though I thought they were dead
Tony- tell us about them
Y/N- Alice, my mother, is a control freak. She has to have everything her way and make sure it's going as planned. My brothers, Elijah and Noah, are just like me but bigger and a lot more stupid.
Wanda- you said they were dead?
Y/N- turns out that was just another lie from my parents

Natasha keeps an eye on me the whole time, I was hoping she wouldn't say anything to the team but I couldn't blame her if she did.
Tony- the plan is to find your family
Y/N- you never will find them, they'll find us when they need something
Tony- we will keep looking though, I'm not going to give up on them

The meeting finishes and we all go out separate ways, I wasn't in the mood to talk to people so I went back to my room and stayed there on my own.

*2 Months later*

There had been no sign of my family which surprised Tony but was obvious to me. I knew he couldn't find them because they were just too good at their jobs.

I hadn't been allowed on missions in case it was a setup so instead, I trained a lot with Peter and Carol. They were both incredibly good now and I like to say it was all down to me but they didn't agree.
Nat had warmed up to me a little bit but she kept her distance. Wanda had noticed this and asked why but we didn't tell her the truth, just something about a bad argument.

It was a cold day in November and I was at the Compound on my own. I had been spending my time working on J.A.I and keeping myself fit.
The rest had been sent on two different missions and I was at the compound in case of an emergency.

I had hooked J.A.I up to the communications network so it was easier for me to keep up with the missions, I wanted to go but was never allowed. It was starting to bug me but I wasn't going to cause a fight, I couldn't deal with anymore drama.

My phone starts ringing and I look down to see Tony is ringing me, he never rings me.
Y/N- what's wrong?
Tony- we are coming in with a trauma, get the medical room ready because it's bad
Y/N- I need to know what happened
Tony- gunshot wound to the chest, pressure being applied
Y/N- who is it?
Tony- it's Wanda

My heart sank, my phone falls to the floor as I put my hand on the wall to keep my balance. The faint sound of Tony's voice in the background but I couldn't concentrate until I was alerted
J.A.I- you have a call on your phone coming from Steve Rogers
Y/N- answer it
Steve- we've got a problem Y/N, get medical ready
Y/N- shit, what happened?
Steve- Natasha is hurt, she's gonna need your help

I hang up on both Tony and Steve before running to the medical floor, I cleared the operating theatre and made sure it was ready in case I needed it.
I set up two beds and had plenty of equipment ready, Nat would be the first to arrive but Wanda wouldn't be too far behind.

Steve lands the quinjet outside the medical bay and the doors open with Clint helping Natasha out
Y/N- what happened?
Nat- I don't want any help from you
I look at her and take a deep breath
Y/N- you don't have any choice so sit down and let me help you
She lets out a huge sigh before agreeing
Nat- it's my shoulder

I try to move it before a few tests to work out what's happened
Nat- so what's the verdict?
Y/N- this is gonna hurt like a bitch, Steve I need your help
He runs over and follows my instructions
Y/N- on three you pull towards you okay?
Steve- got it
Y/N- 1...2....3
A tight pull from Steve allows me to pop her shoulder back into place as she lets out a loud scream
Y/N- that should do it, how does it feel?
Nat- hurts but I've had worse

I go to reply when Tony runs in covered in blood
Tony- Where do you want her?
I look behind and see Bucky holding pressure on the wound, her face pale as she can barely keep her eyes open.
Y/N- straight into the operating room and I need everyone out of here now
Nat- Y/N?
Y/N- yeah?
Nat- save our girl
I just nod, the pressure is overwhelming.
Clint helps me move Wanda onto the table and I scrub in, the wound was small but close to the heart so this was going to be tough.

I never thought one day I'd have to operate on her but here I was. Scalpel in hand ready to cut into the women I love.

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