Part 17

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I had no contact with the Avengers since I was taken by my mother and brothers.
I was given everything I needed to plan this mission and my brothers would follow my lead. I had only reconnected with them 2 days ago but I knew I could trust them and that they only wanted to help me

Elijah- so what's the plan?
Y/N- head in together through the back, I'll create doubles to make them think we are attacking the front. Sneak through and collect what we need
Noah- do I get to hurt anyone?
Y/N- only if they hurt you
Noah- that's no fun
Y/N- deal with it

Alice or my mother had created matching suits for the three of us, all equipped with communication devices as well as voice manipulators so people wouldn't recognise who we were. The suits were designed to look like the Ghost which worked for me, nobody knew it was me and adding extra people to the equation would work for me as I never worked well in a team and the avengers knew that.
We knew this mission could go sideways easily and we had to be prepared before attacking the warehouse.

It's mission day and we arrive at the warehouse, it's quiet and there's people down all over the place
Y/N- someone has beaten us to it
Elijah- what's the plan?
Y/N- let's get inside and see what's going on
There's faint screams and gunshots inside the building so we all follow the noise to see the Avengers working their way through
Y/N- shit, how are they here?
Noah- what's the plan?
Y/N- don't let them capture you, we get what we need and leave. The girls are mine and you both can take cap, Thor and Stark
Elijah- sounds like fun

We make our way into the same room and they are alerted to our presence immediately
Wanda twirls a small red orb in between her fingers and Stark raises his blaster ready for action
Steve- who are you?
I don't reply as silence fills the room
Nat- That's the Ghost, we've had the pleasure of fighting before
Y/N- no we didn't, you couldn't keep up and I disposed of your little friend with ease
Nat- don't talk about her
Y/N- what are you going to do? Kill me? You'll never find her

Elijah and Noah catch on to what I'm doing as I start communicating in their heads about my plan
Y/N- back me up, Y/N is at base and we are keeping her hostage. We will release her if we get what we came for
Elijah- that's you though?
Y/N- they don't know it's me
Noah- you're so dumb Eli

Nat- what do you mean?
Y/N- I've got your girl, give me what I want and we will leave then you can have her back
Wanda- or we hurt you so badly that you pray you hadn't taken her
Y/N- My dear, you'll never be able to hurt me enough for that
The fight starts as the Avengers attack and our plan comes into action. Natasha was a good fighter but I'd trained with her so many times that I knew her moves and I could handle her. Wanda was difficult, she had control of her powers but if she became too angry then her powers could act up

I deal with Romanoff first, she runs towards me and I side swipe her legs from underneath her pinning her down onto the floor.
Nat- who are you?
Y/N- you know who I am, you just don't want to accept it. Give me what I need and I can leave
I go flying off her as Wanda sends me into a wall and crashing through it
Noah- Y/N?! Are you okay?
Y/N- I'm fine, keep going and get the serum

Wanda- you'll regret taking my girlfriend
Y/N- I had to have some power over Earth's mightiest heroes. She is your weakness, it causes you to be fragile and give up. You'd do anything to save her and that includes giving me what I want, I am one for my word. Give me what I want and you can have her back.
Wanda looks down at the case and slides it over, I grab it and open it up showing the serum inside.
Y/N- you are a fool

I run away from her and she follows behind me, I grab my brothers and Elijah teleports us all out of there and back to the base.
Alice- did you get it?
I put the case down on the table and open it up, spinning it around for her to see
Alice- well done, you three work well together. You helped me Y/N, now it's time to make this kidnapping look real for you. Get changed into the clothes we took you in

I do as she says before making my way back to the room. My brothers come in and work me over ensuring the job looks good, they chain me up and send the coordinates to the avengers leaving me there for them to find.

Tony POV-
Wanda had given the case to the Ghost which was completely stupid. We didn't know who they were or her little friends so we couldn't trust her word but yet Wanda did. She would do anything for Y/N and it was great for her but put the whole team in danger.

J.A.R.V.I.S- Sir, you are receiving a transmission with coordinates attached
Tony- Play it
A video of the Ghost appears with Y/N in the background
Ghost- I made a promise and I stand by my word, she is here so come find her.

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