Part 50

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I could see them both thinking, they didn't know what to say.
I sat in the bed awaiting an answer as Tony burst through the doors.

Tony- we need you all now
Y/N- off you two go
Tony- and you Y/N
Y/N- what? I'm on bed rest?
Tony- this is urgent, we need everyone.

I gently stood up, my legs shaking as the pressure went into them. The first time I had walked since the incident and it felt great, it felt better than anything has for a long time.
An arm wrapped around my waist and I was greeted with a smile, Nat helping me to the wheelchair.
She leaned down, her hot breath on my neck as she whispered in my ear 'yes, it will always be a yes'.
I couldn't help but smirk as she wheeled me away, Wanda had run ahead without giving an answer but that was expected.

The meeting room was full, Fury and Maria stood at the front as everyone took their seats.
Fury- I'm going to cut to the chase, something is coming and we aren't ready for it.
Steve- what is it?
Fury- Thor left this world to investigate the reappearance of the infinity stones

The words sent my brain alight, I'd been tracking them before for Hydra so I knew a lot about them.
Fury- Y/N, care to explain the stones?
Tony- why Sonny?
Fury- she's seen them before
Tony- well then, time to explain Sonny.

I stood up from the chair, hand resting on my stomach as I walked to the front. A grunt escaped my lips as I perched next to the laptop, making sure it was connected to the screen. I found the files from when I arrived, all saved under code names.
Y/N- these are the stones, 6 of them all with different powers. Space, Mind, Reality, Time,Power and Soul. The stones have their individual powers, warping time or creating things that aren't there. But together, the power they possess is by far the stronger and scariest thing I have ever seen.

The shock continued to grow on everyone's faces as I continued, I explained in depth to what stone could do. Steve taking notes whilst Tony was running multiple programmes.
Nat- who wants them?
Fury- There's a being called Thanos. He wants to possess the power
Nat- what do they do together?
Fury looked at me, my head dropping as I realised he wanted me to explain that
Wanda- Y/N?
Y/N- they wipe out half of all living creatures.

The room went silent, glances shared as I couldn't make any eye contact.
Tony- how many does he have?
Fury- Thor said he has two
Y/N- which ones?
Fury- Space and Reality.
Y/N- he found the collector? It was supposed to be safe there?
Fury- obviously not.

I stood up and started pacing, thoughts running through my head as to what to do.
Nat- Y/N, you need to stop
Y/N- what?
I looked down and saw the blood seeping through my shirt, I pulled it over my head and used it to apply pressure.
Fury- we need to locate the others.
Y/N- I know where Mind and Time are, I need Vision to be protected. Somewhere that isn't here and is far away. I don't know about the Power stone.

The plan started to fall into place, Wanda and Vision were being sent elsewhere. She was the best at protecting him and I just had to deal with that, they were both strong. They'd both be okay.
Fury- where is the time stone?
Y/N- it's best I don't share that, I can visit the time keeper and alert them of what's happening
Tony- We are in this together
Y/N- I'm protecting all of you, if Thanos gets any of you then none of you know
Tony- what if he gets you?
Y/N- then I'll die protecting it.

Noah took both of their hands and they were gone. We barely got time to say goodbye and she didn't give me an answer either.
We didn't know how long they'd be gone but it was for the best.

I went back to the medical floor, Bruce cleaning the stitches and applying a new dressing
Bruce- good new, you didn't rip any. They've just leaked through
Y/N- so I can do what I need to now?
Bruce- yes but take these first, it'll reduce your pain.

Once we finished, I went to my room, Natasha sitting on my bed.
Y/N- you okay?
Nat- I'm waiting for the ring
I couldn't help but smile, I opened the safe and grabbed it out. I'd had them specially made for each of them, hers was a black band with red and blue spirals entwined. A diamond in the centre that complimented the rest of the ring perfecting.
Nat- it's beautiful
Y/N- only the best for you.

Her lips met mine but it wasn't sexual, it was passionate and loving. A kiss I hadn't felt in a long time.
Nat- do you remember the house?
Y/N- I do, I thought maybe once all of this was over then we could give it all up and settle down. Obviously if you don't want to them I'm happy to settle down and let you bring in the dollar
Nat- I wouldn't want to waste any time away from you so yes, I'd love that.

She watched as I changed, helping with my T-shirt as she pulled the new one down over my head.
I didn't tell her where I was going but I needed her to drive me, she was going to drop me off at a park and wait there for me.
The location was a short walk away.

Standing outside the building, I waited a couple minutes to check no one had followed. The coast was clear so I went in, the time keeper stood waiting.
Y/N- it's good to see you again Dr.
Strange- I wish it was under better circumstances
Y/N- you already know?
Strange- I have been informed
Y/N- so you know what you've got to do
Strange- I'll protect this stone with everything I've got, if I fail, the spell with automatically compel it to serve you.
Y/N- okay good, I'll be in touch if we hear any further developments.
Strange- oh by the way, congratulations on the engagement
Y/N- thank you, do you know what Wanda says?
Strange- you know I can't tell you that

I chuckled to myself as I exited the building, the world was in danger but yet, none of these people knew. They were relying on us to save them once again.

Could we even save them?

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