Part 53

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I stood up straight as Thanos stalked his way towards me, his fist clenched as the gauntlet shone with 5 of the 6 stones.

Thanos- you can make this easy Y/N, just hand over the stone and I'll make sure you're spared
Y/N- I'd prefer to be dead then let you win
His fist coming towards me as I teleported behind me, my leg smashing into the back of his causing a stumble as he turned round.
Y/N- I've got a few tricks up my sleeve

I avoided his foot as I stumbled backwards, his fist connecting with my stomach knocking the wind out of me.
Wanda- Y/N. He's going to kill you!
Wanda- Y/N....
Y/N- GO!

Thanos turned as Natasha run towards him, using a stone to manipulate the surroundings trapping her under rocks.
I seize the opportunity using a rock as a platform to launch myself onto his back, a wire wrapped around his throat.
He was fighting back but my strong build was helping, Wanda was destroying the stone as I held on as tight as I possibly could.
It wasn't enough.

He whipped his body round sending me crashing over his shoulders and smacking into the ground.
I groan as he picks me up, hand wrapped right round my throat.
My oxygen supply running out as I look to see Nat, tears streaming down her face.
I thought this was it until something hits Thanos from behind, the Shield.

He dropped me to the floor, coughing away as the oxygen returned to my body.
I sat up, Steve laying lifeless on the floor as Thanos got to Wanda. The stone was gone and I thought it was over but it wasn't going to be that easy.

Using the time stone, he rewinds to when the stone was whole adding it to his collection but killing Vision all over again.
The power surged through his body and I slid along the floor, my hands pulling his thumb away from his fingers.
I had to try everything I could to stop the snap, I couldn't let millions of people die because I failed.

Thanos- you are strong child, I need someone like you on my team
Y/N- and I need a holiday but you don't see me complaining
He chuckled to himself as I give everything to keep him from clicking his fingers, Thor coming up behind us as I use what I have left to overpower Thanos throwing him to the floor.
Thor pushing stormbreaker into Thanos' shoulder
Thanos- you should've gone for the head
Y/N- NO!

He had won.

I fall to the floor, finally submitting to the pain I was in. Dust filling the air as I watched the women I loved disappear as she grieved the lose of her loved one.

Bucky- Y/N?
He dropped to the floor, only his gun left as his body vanished. Others followed the same path but not me, I suppose I could say I was a lucky one but was I actually?

I take a minute to compose myself, I didn't know what I was going to find as I steadied myself following the voices.
Steve- we failed
I push my way through the tree as everyone looks up, my eyes meeting Natasha's.
Y/N- I couldn't stop him
Steve- none of us could

The Avengers had lost the greatest battle we'd ever faced and this one was the most costly.
People lost their family, their friends and their neighbours. Families pulled apart because we couldn't save them, I failed them, we failed them.

I couldn't stay here looking at what could've been but knowing that many of my friends died here.
I took off walking back to the jet, noise came from behind but I zoned it out.
I walked slowly, the pain in my body too much to allow me to go any faster.

A hand gently touched my shoulder as I turned around, Natasha stood there. I didn't want to talk, all I wanted was to hold her, to know she was okay and that she was safe.
My arms wrapped around her as her face nuzzled into my neck. I could feel her tears on me but I didn't say anything, she wasn't one to be emotional so I just let her. I let her do what she needed and that was crying.

We stayed there for a while and I didn't mind it. Steve patted me on the shoulder as he walked past, Thor disappearing into the unknown as just the three of us were returning to base.
Rhodey stayed behind to help the clean up operation, Okoye took charge as T'Challa was one of the unlucky ones.

The journey back was quiet. Natasha and Steve flew the jet as I sat on my own, laying down the whole time as I started making a list in my head as to who was coming back and who wasn't.
I was scared, scared I'd lost Noah or Elijah, scared about if I'd ever see Peter or Tony again.

I'd never felt like this before. I had always been good enough to complete my missions and the satisfaction was great but this wasn't a mission, this was real life. With one snap of his fingers, he took millions of people.
I'd lost so many people that I'd loved and I didn't know if I was every going to get them back, how the hell was I supposed to go on without them?
The tears were running down my eyes as I felt the jet come to a steady landing.

I left the jet before the others had even unbuckled themselves, I just needed some time to myself. Time to work out what has happened and to get myself back in check.

I look at my, missed calls from Noah. I grab the phone and ring him back immediately
Noah- Y/N?
Y/N- thank god, Elijah?
Noah- he's gone..
Y/N- no...

My phone dropped to the floor as I couldn't hold it in any longer, Natasha running through the door as she wrapped herself around me. I fell to the floor, taking her with me.
Nat- let it out, please don't hold it in.
Y/N- my brother is gone
Nat- I'm sorry, we will get through this.

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