Part 41

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I wake up tied to a chair, my head throbbing as I pull against the restraints.
??- calm down before you hurt yourself
Y/N- untie me and maybe I won't
??- your powers weren't playing ball, that device stops them and the chair stops you
Y/N- who are you?
??- you seriously don't know me?
Y/N- I think I'd remember a beautiful girl like you
??- you were always such a charmer.

She walks closer and releases the restraints handing me some clean clothes before pointing over to the shower
??- clean yourself up and then we will talk, I'll make you your favourite dinner
Y/N- what's that?
??- spaghetti with loads of cheese
Y/N- so you do know me

Thoughts raced through my head as I showered, she wasn't part of the avengers or the ones I'd been shown anyway. I kept trying and trying to remember her but nothing was coming to me.
The shower was long, the condensation glazing the mirror as the steam fogs up the room.
I dry myself off and head back to the mysterious women, I was starting to get a read on her and I believed she didn't want I hurt me

Y/N- do I get a name to call you?
??- It's Kate
Y/N- I know that name
Kate- big gala event, I said I was a reporter but that was rubbish. I was undercover keeping an eye on you
Y/N- on me?
Kate- yes, you were a Hydra mercenary, did all their dirty bidding before joining Shield. You've been missing for over a year now and it's my job to get you back to who you were
Y/N- I don't even know my name
Kate- It's Y/N Stevenson
Y/N- that's what the Widow said
Kate- Natasha Romanoff, you two were dating when you disappeared

She continues explaining my life story, how I was dating Wanda and Natasha, who my brothers were and that Stark was like a father to me
Kate- they've been in ruins since you disappeared and they need you back
Y/N- I can't go back, look at everything I've done since?
Kate- the only way we got Y/N back is by getting Wanda to help
Y/N- how?
Kate- she can unlock the memories that Hydra buried.
Y/N- when do we leave?
Kate- not yet, you need to stay hidden for a little while. Hydra won't let you go without a fight. There's somewhere we need to go, a place to bring the memories back before anything.

Nat POV-

I was furious with Stark, I had no idea why he followed me but I really thought I could get through to Y/N but he scuppered those chances.
I requested everything about her was sent to me including any deliveries or mail she was getting.

It turned up in box loads but one parcel got my attention, it was from a private estate agent.
I opened the letter attached:

Miss Stevenson

Please find the keys to your new property attached, I hope it is everything your girlfriends wanted and I pray that you can have the quiet life you wish for.

My face dropped, I searched through all the letters and found the deed to the house. It was in her name and the address was there.
I headed to Wanda's room and knocked
Wanda- go away Nat, I'm busy
I didn't care, I opened the door to find her sat on her bed watching Netflix
Nat- this isn't busy, now get dressed because I've got something to show you
Wanda- fine.

The car journey was quiet, she'd been distant and I felt like it was my fault but I didn't know what to do about it.
I follow the navigation system and we arrive at a massive house. The outside well decorated and the surrounding area was vacant.
The deeds showed she'd bought masses of land surrounding and it was beautiful.

Wanda- what is this place?
Nat- Y/N bought it the day we had that argument in the gym. The letter attached showed it was bought for all of us
Wanda- she bought this?
Nat- yep and it's just sitting here now

I walk up the porch and unlock the door. The inside was spacious and everything I'd ever wanted. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 bathrooms as well as multiple living areas.
It was a little run down but nothing we couldn't have fixed
Wanda- wow, it's everything I ever asked for
Nat- she spent a long time searching for this place

The journey back was the best conversation we'd had in a long time. Talking about memories of Y/N and how she'd be the best mother but the one who disobeyed us the most, giving the kids sweets all the time and making them hyper whilst we tried to calm them down.

Narrator POV-

The mood in the tower was off as Natasha and Wanda arrived back. The men all sat round in the meeting room discussing an important matter.
The men waved in Wanda and Natasha, concern crossing their faces.

Nat- what's happening?
Tony- a Hydra facility was decimated. Very few survivors and their two prized fighters have disappeared without a trace.
Nat- she's gone again?
Wanda- it was never her
Nat- she remembered the house in England, the day I watched her because I just couldn't keep my eyes off
Carol- take a breath Nat, say it was her then who could we possibly find her?
Noah- we work our way from the explosion forward, look at any nearby cameras and see what it picks up
Nat- okay I can do that
Tony- nope, you aren't anywhere near this one. You've got the other fighter, the one they call 26.

Tony slid a file across the desk and Natasha took interest in it immediately.
26 was his number, the 26th person they ran this test on before it worked. He was experimented on for months and the pain he went through was torture but, he somehow survived.

The male version of Y/N was the best way to describe 26. His ability was incredible but the person beneath was kind and caring, Hydra ruined him as they did you.
Natasha wasn't going to let this lead slip, nothing was going to stop her finding you.
Nat- I will rescue Y/N, I will bring you home...

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