Part 33

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I spent the next couple of days thinking about what everyone had said and I knew they were right. I was ruining things because I was too scared to talk to them about what was going on.
Things had to change for the better and I knew that had to start with me being honest with them.

I headed out for a run first thing, I had to clear my head before figuring out what to do.
I kept going, on and on without stopping. There was no destination in mind but I just had to get away from everything.
No matter how much I love the avengers and my brothers, it was overwhelming at times. People always relying on you to help and keep them safe or if something goes wrong m, it being your fault. I hated the pressure.

My oh one starts to ring and I stop to answer it
Y/N- hello?
Wanda- hey babe, where are you?
Y/N- sorry, I went for a run
Wanda- are you going to be back soon? I was hoping to spend some time with you
Y/N- yeah, I'll start making my way back now
Wanda- perfect, I love you baby
Y/N- love you too.

I get back to the compound around an hour later, walking in Tony and Pepper are sat on the couch whilst Steve and Elijah are in the kitchen
Pepper- nice run?
Y/N- yeah it was good thanks, you know where Wanda is?
Tony- Training room with Romanoff
Y/N- cheers T
Faint laughter fills the room as I head to find Wanda, I had no idea what she wanted to talk about but I was prepared to give it a go.

The training room door wide open as I peak my head round, Wanda and Natasha sparring.
Nat was always going to win but Wanda put up a good fight before being pinned to the ground. It was incredibly sexy seeing Nat on top of Wanda, I liked it.
Wanda- like what you see Sonny?
Y/N- it's a great view
Nat- I'm sure it could happen more
Y/N- happened the other night
Wanda- it was you who walked in
Y/N- you two seemed to be enjoying yourselves so I didn't want to disturb
Nat- it's better when you're there
Y/N- obviously it is but sometimes you've got to be able to walk. Anyway, what's up?

I walk into the room taking a seat on the bench as they both walk over to me.
Wanda- are you okay? We are both worried about you, you've just seemed different recently
Y/N- nothing to worry about, all good here
There it was again, the lies. I thought I was ready to be honest with them but maybe I wasn't ready to be honest with myself.
Nat- that's bullshit and you know it. All we want to do is help and you have put up so many walls that we can't even get close to you anymore
Y/N- I'll figure it out, I always do

I go to leave but a hand grabs by wrist pulling me back.
Nat- you aren't going anywhere, let's make this interesting
Y/N- how's that?
Nat- we spar, if I pin you then you answer a question
Y/N- if I pin you?
Nat- whatever you'd like
Y/N- deal.
Nat- no powers.

I wrap my hands and walk to the ring, pushing the rope down so Nat can enter. Wanda was stood by the side watching and would call when a pin had been made.
Nat didn't waste any time in rushing at me, avoiding her first hit as I grab her other wrist twisting it to flip her over. Her shoulders hitting the floor as my knee rests on her chest
Wanda- that's a pin
Y/N- stop going easy on me, I'm not fragile
Nat- what do want?
Y/N- tell me why you let me do that?
Nat- you think you're going to hurt us but you aren't, you knew I went easy and yet you still did everything. You won't hurt us and you need to realise that

The next round.
Natasha changed her approach and waited, allowing me the opportunity to strike first. I faint and a step allowed an opening to land a punch on the ribs and a sweep out of her legs. Again, I landed on top of her pushing her down.
Y/N- it's just too easy
Nat- question?
Y/N- should we be doing this considering you were KO like 72 hours ago?
Nat- I'm okay, all cleared to fight
Y/N- good.

I knew she was still letting me win so this time, I wasn't going to do anything until she did.
I waited as she approached but my feet were stuck as I tried to move. Looking down, red swirls stopping me from going anywhere as Natasha tackled me to the ground pinning me down
Wanda- that's a pin
Y/N- that's fucking cheating
Nat- never said she couldn't use powers
Y/N- whatever
Nat- tell us what's wrong.

I look away and take a deep breath as I push Nat off me standing up.
Y/N- both of you changed your lives for me, I'm not good enough for either of you let alone both of you. I was a monster, someone who killed for the fun of it because they could. Yet I get to stand here looking at both of you, thinking fucking hell, how am I going to mess this up today? I get scared everyday that I'm going to do something to hurt you whether my powers go crazy or if it's just me being a complete twat.
Wanda- how long have you been feeling like this?
Y/N- since I came back, I thought you'd both have moved on and it would just me again.
Nat- we couldn't move on from you, there's just something about you.

Emotions running high and I couldn't do it anymore. Grabbing my things, I headed out of the room texting Peter to meet me in my room.

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