Part 60

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I knew what I had to do, Strange had hinted at it when I saw him but he never told me.
He ran the possibilities in his head and this was the only way we could win, it was me or millions of people.

I slipped the gauntlet onto my hand and the energy was overwhelming, my body struggling to deal with the crippling amount of energy.

Y/N- can you hear me Nat?
Nat- I'm here
Y/N- I'm really sorry baby girl, I'm about to do something and if it goes how I expect then I won't ever see you again.
Nat- No...
Y/N- I love you and I love our family, please tell Ben that and I'm so sorry for this.

I snapped my fingers.

My body became weak as I fell to the ground, the feeling in my arm no longer there as the burnt tissue continued all over my body.

I felt someone drag me to the side, my body now propped up against some debris.
My eyes opened and Wanda was there, tears in her eyes.
Wanda- you did it Babe, you saved everyone
Y/N- promise me....
Wanda- what?
Y/N- take care of her
Wanda- always

Another hand take ahold of yours, this touch familiar as the redhead came into sight.
Y/N- hey beautiful
Nat- I love you baby with all my heart, I promise I'll look after Ben and I'll make sure he knows how amazing you are
Y/N- I love you..

The white light behind filled my eyes as I felt my heart getting slower, my grip loosening on hers.
A tear rolled down my face as my head dropped back, I gave into the pain and I became the light.

When I reopened my eyes, everything felt different, I was home. My home in England that was.
The burns that had covered my arm were gone and so were all the scars I had across my body.

I walked outside, the fresh air hitting me in the face. The warm sun shining down as the smell of freshly cut grass filled the air.
I walked around and saw someone on a bench.

??- you're finally here
Y/N- Dad?
Dad- hey kiddo
I ran over, my arms wrapped around his neck and he held me close, my tears soaking into his shirt.
Dad- I've been watching over you and I am so proud of you.
Y/N- really?
Dad- of course kid, you have a beautiful wife and son who are so lucky to have you
Y/N- I'm never going to see them again though
Dad- that's down to you

I sat down next to him, my head resting on his shoulder
Dad- you saved the world and it can never repay you for that. You made the ultimate sacrifice today kiddo and everyone will know who you are
Y/N- I'm gonna miss them so much
Dad- you don't have to
Y/N- what?
Dad- it wasn't your time to die, the universe isn't ready for you to be gone yet
Y/N- I don't get what you're saying
Dad- follow me.

He walked off towards the forest and I followed, the scenery changing around me as I took steps away from the house.
It was time to be in the tower, the Avengers all holding guns up as I kneeled down surrendering to them

Dad- this was the day the universe accepted you for a hero rather than a villain. You changed the path of your life in this moment
Y/N- Hydra had a mass murder planned, I couldn't let that happen
Dad- you were right, the whole world would've been out of sync, people who were supposed to be alive to drive the future would've been gone.
Y/N- I don't get what is happening here

I walked through the next door into what was the old medical room, Natasha in the bed as I sat next to her
Dad- you remember this?
Y/N- she got hurt and I saved her
Dad- did she ever tell you what she told Steve?
Y/N- Nope.

*Natasha's Memory*

I watched Y/N leave the room as Steve sat next to me
Steve- does she know?
Nat- know what?
Steve- that you're in love with her?
Nat- what no I'm not?
Steve- come on Nat, I'm your best friend, you can't deny it anymore
Nat- no she doesn't know and I can't ever tell her, she's dealing with problems between her and Wanda. I'm not going to stand in the way of them
Steve- I've never seen you look at someone like that before, I just want you to be happy
Nat- I love her so much and I can't do anything about it, that's how this goes Steve.


Y/N- I had no idea
Dad- she hid it from you.

The room changed around me, now to the house I bought for Nat and I.
She couldn't see me but I could see her and Ben, they were laughing reading his favourite book.

Y/N- she looks happy
Dad- just wait
She tucked him into bed and kissed her forehead goodnight, turning the light off and pulling the door closed.
Our room was dark, the bed messy as my clothes were all over the floor.
Nat curled up on the bed hugging one of hoodies and wearing another.
Nat- I miss you so much babe

I walked over and sat next to her, unable to touch or communicate with her as I saw the pain she was in
Y/N- what's happening?
Dad- this is the beginning of her grief but it doesn't last long, she doesn't last long without you
Y/N- what?
Dad- Ben grows up with Tony, Pepper and Morgan. Cute little family if you ask me
Y/N- and Nat?
Dad- how do I put this? She finds a way to see you again
Y/N- No, she wouldn't
Dad- it's down to you Kiddo, the universe is offering you a chance, a thank you if you like. You need to decide now, stay with me or go back to her?

The scenery changed again, the battlefield back as I watched the Avengers surround my lifeless body. The pain starting to creep back.

Dad- they all care for you, they fall apart without you
Y/N- I can go back?
Dad- only if you let me go
Y/N- I don't want to leave you
Dad- listen to me kiddo, you are beautiful and confident, perfect in every way. You've given yourself the life you deserve and you worked hard for it. Saving everyone wasn't down to you but you did it, those people need you again, go back to them and know, I will always be watching you.
Y/N- I love you
Dad- I love you too baby.

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