Part 54

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Natasha POV-

The rest of the night was rough, Y/N had cried a lot but wouldn't say anything.
When she did stop crying, she shut down, locking her thoughts and feelings inside.

We went to bed together that night but I woke up without her, the bed was cold, it looked like she had been gone for a while.
I put on my favourite hoodie of hers and borrowed a pair of leggings, she never minded when I borrowed her things.
I walked around the compound and I couldn't find her, she was good at hiding but there was always one place that I knew she'd be if she could.

I walk into Tony's lab, she's sat at the desk he gave her and she's working away.
I rest my hand in her shoulder and she turns, a sad smile on her face.
Nat- did you get any sleep?
Y/N- how am I supposed to sleep when so many people are gone?

Her hands ran down her face, her frustration was building and I could understand why
Nat- so what do we do?
Y/N- SHIELD have called a press conference and I'm speaking at it, someone needs to explain what's going on
Nat- why you?
Y/N- Rogers is a mess, Tony is nowhere to be seen, Rhodey and Bruce haven't come back and I don't want you doing it. Everyone else is gone so that leaves me
Nat- we better get you cleaned up then

We spend an hour so fixing her cuts, her neck and stomach were covered in bruises. One large one that covers her left hand side and the one on her neck is a large hand grip from where he tried to strangle her.

I drive her to the Shield facility, agents scrambling all over the place as Y/N heads towards the stage that had been set up.
Nat- are you ready for this?
Y/N- No but I have to do it

An agent directed her to the stage and she stood at the podium, taking a deep breathe as they counted down.

Y/N- I'm here today representing the Avengers, you may not recognise me but my name is Sonny. The whole world is in chaos and I'm here to explain as much as I can.
Yesterday, the Avengers lost our greatest ever battle and it meant every single person in the world lost.
I lost my best friend, my brother, the one who I called my father figure as well as someone I loved with all my heart. I know the pain all of you are feeling and I would trade my life for everyone's if that was possible.
I can't say anything that'll help you deal with your loss but know, I am trying and we are doing what we can to help all of you through this.
From the bottom of my heart, I am truly sorry for failing all of you and I wish one day, you'll be able to forgive me.

I stood there in silence, tears running down my face as I'd never heard her speak like that before. Her voice was soft and genuine, she meant every word she said and she couldn't have said it any better.
I knew this wasn't going to end well for us, the whole world now knew we failed and they would never trust us again.
The Avengers were over.


I walk off the stage and head straight to Natasha. She was stood there waiting for me and even though I was feeling bad, I knew I could be happy she was still here.
Nat- that was perfect
Y/N- they need to blame someone, not themselves.

I took her hand as we walked back to the car, the place was weirdly quiet and I hated it, the same with the compound.
Y/N- let's get married
Nat- what?
Y/N- there's nothing stopping us from tying the knot and running away
Nat- okay, let's do it.

*1 year since the snap*

I was stood in the compound, hands resting on the table in front of me planning the next community centre which would take in others.
There were a lot of people who had lost their jobs or homes and these centres would keep them going until they could survive on their own.

I hear footsteps behind me as Natasha approaches, her hands snake around my waist
Nat- how you doing beautiful?
Y/N- I'm good but he's kicking a lot
Her hands resting on my stomach, 8 months pregnant with our child.

My head rest on her shoulder as her hands latch together under my bump, gently lifting the excess weight.
Y/N- that feels amazing, have I ever told you how much I love you?
Nat- all the time, but you're giving me a child so I think I love you more
Y/N- you're lucky I let you, it's gonna take me way too long to get those abs back
Nat- and I'll help you work out everyday
Y/N- that better mean sex
Nat- of course it does

She gently puts the bump back down making me groan in the process
Nat- come on fatty, let's get you some breakfast
Y/N- when I've submitted this, I'm all yours.
Nat- well hurry up, I need to know what my baby wants to eat
Y/N- pickles and hot sauce
Nat- eww

* 2 years since the snap*

I rolled over and Nat wasn't in bed, the house was quiet which was unusual. Benjamin Steven Clint Romanoff was usually crying, he cried a lot.

Getting out of bed, I heard a quiet lullaby being sung in the nursery. Leaning against the door frame, Natasha had Ben in her arms, swaying side to side as she sang him back to sleep.
I just stood and watched, this was everything I had ever wanted. I couldn't believe this was all mine.

She turned around, the 1 year old giggling to himself as I pulled a funny face.
Y/N- hey beautiful
Nat- good morning
I couldn't help but smile, everything was perfect and she knew it too.
Steve spent a lot of time with us, we'd redecorated a room for him as well as Noah.
They were his Godfathers, we didn't want anyone else apart from them.
They'd do everything in their power to protect little Ben from harm.

*3 years since the snap*

Ben was now walking around the house, bumping into everything as I held his hand. We got to the front door and he ran down the stairs towards Mama
Nat- hey baby
She picked him up and spun around, a huge grin covering both their faces.

Neither of us would admit it but Ben loved Natasha more than he did me but it didn't bother me. She was everything to me and this made her so happy that I would do it all over again for her.

Nat- you ready to see Uncle Steve?
Ben- YEAH!
Nat- let's go then
I hand over his bag and and smile, a quick kiss on my cheek before they disappear into the car.

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