Part 27

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Nat POV-

Wanda and I sat by Y/N's bed for as long as we could but eventually, we had to start doing our job again.
It had been 3 months and 27 days since Alice gave Y/N that serum.
The toxicity had gone from her blood completely but yet, she wasn't waking up and nobody knew why.

Tony had given us some time off but we realised that we couldn't keep skipping missions, just because we couldn't be there doesn't mean that crime would stop.
Wanda and I decided we had to get back to work for our own sake, Y/N wouldn't want us wasting our lives.

Alice had stayed for a week or so but left when Fury caught wind she had resurfaced. She did everything she could to get Y/N to wake up but it just wasn't happening.
We all knew Y/N was strong and she was just fighting this at her own pace.

Today was another mission, everyone was going except Peter who would stay and keep an eye on Y/N. Bruce would usually do this but we needed big green for this mission.
The old Hydra base had been reopened and their soldiers were taking hostages to use for experimental procedures.
Stopping them and rescuing the hostages was our plan and we couldn't leave until we had done it.

Peter POV-

Let's be honest, I wasn't a full Avenger yet but they trusted me to be at the compound. I'd been around them for a few years now but they still saw me as a kid but they were wrong, I'm the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man.

I watch the avengers leave before grabbing my web shooters, they'd been discharging slowly recently and I wanted to figure out why.
I took it apart and saw one of the mechanism has got stuck where there had been a leak.
I didn't know how to solve this and I sit there staring at it for a little

Y/N- change out the cog and use a plastic printed one, the fluid won't get stuck but should dissipate after time
Peter- OH MY GOD, you're awake
Y/N- or I'm dead
Peter- no I think I'm alive so you must be too

I pull Y/N into a hug and she hugs me back.
Peter- I missed you so much, it's been so long and I've got so much to tell you about
Y/N- how about you tell me where everyone is?
Peter- Oh God, I need to tell Nat and Wanda
Y/N- where are they?
Peter- they're on a mission
Y/N- kid wait, we can't tell them yet. I don't want them distracted
Peter- oh yeah good call, do you want anything? Urgh food or water? Maybe both or nothing? Like it's okay if you do or if you don't

She just pulls me into another hug and I let her, she had this was of making me feel safe even when I wasn't in danger.
Y/N had become my big sister, she let me tell her everything and she gave me advice, usually it was really bad but she tried and that's all I ever needed from her.

Y/N- how long have I been out for?
Peter- I'm not sure exactly how long but from what I know it's been nearly 4 months
Y/N- wow and yet, I'm still so tired
Peter- they saved you, your illness is gone and you should be okay

I watch as Y/N sits up, pulling out her IV and taking the leads off from her heart monitor
Peter- where are you going?
Y/N- well I'm hungry and you've gone 4 months without losing a video game so we are gonna play
Peter- SERIOUSLY?! You are actually awesome, it's so good having you back

We'd been playing for hours and Y/N had beaten me way more than I expected. I chose a new game she hadn't even played and yet she still won, how the hell was that possible?
We go to start another game when Jarvis alerts us

Jarvis- Quinjet will be arriving in 10 minutes, medical is needed.
Y/N jumps up and runs to the medical floor, clearing where her bed was and replacing it with a new clean one. She grabs the big medical bag and hands me a few supplies before running back up to the flight deck.
We stand there and await the avengers return.

Nat POV-

The mission had gone wrong and we'd ended up getting our arses kicked, we'd freed the hostages but the base was still intact.
We know that they'd be gone in the morning and that was good enough for us at this point.

We told Jarvis we required medical attention but it wasn't too severe. Steve had taken the worst beating and needed the help sooner than anyone else did, the rest of us just had cuts and bruises so nothing too bad.

The quinjet landed and the doors started to open. Peter is stood waiting for us and there's a familiar figure stood next to him
Nat- oh my god
Wanda- keep it down, some of us got hit in the head too many times
Nat- it's Y/N
Wanda- What?

She looks out and sees Y/N stood holding the medical bag, she looked happy and back to what I remembered.
I run out and hug her which she reciprocates, Wanda joins quickly and Y/N kisses both out foreheads
Y/N- it's okay, I'm here now
Wanda- I didn't think you were going to wake up
Y/N- don't worry about me, you guys look like shit
I can't help but laugh, I didn't know how long she'd been awake but it was her. She knew us and it all felt right. I couldn't help the tears falling down my face

Y/N let's go of us and wraps her hands around my cheeks using her thumbs to wipe away any tears
Y/N- you don't need to cry beautiful, I'm here and I'm okay now
Nat- I love you so much
Y/N- I love you too and I love you Wanda

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