Part 21

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Nat POV-

We all left Y/N alone to operate, she never needed any help because she just duplicated herself.
Wanda had to be okay for me but for Y/N, if she died on that table then I don't think Y/N could live with herself.

2 hours.

4 hours.

6 hours.
We hadn't heard anything yet.

As the 7 hour marked approached, I couldn't sit there any longer. I needed to know what was going on.
Nat- how long does this take?
Steve- she's doing everything she can
Nat- how do we know that? We are all just sat here doing nothing!
JARVIS- Miss Stevenson has asked me to notify you all that Miss Maximoff is out of surgery and recovering. One of you may go and see her now.

Steve nods at me as I run up to the medical floor. I see Wanda in the bed, a tube breathing for her and multiple wires attached keeping Y/N informed of her vitals.
Nat- hey baby girl, I'm here for you now and you're going to be okay.
Since I walked in, I hadn't noticed Y/N until I looked around the room. Her back pushed against the wall and her head resting on her knees.

I walk over and sit next to her earning me her gaze
Y/N- hi
Nat- you look like shit
I laugh a little as she smiles at me
Y/N- yeah well it's nothing compared to what she's going through
Nat- how is she?
Y/N- she's got a long recovery, the bullet clipped her heart but I got it fixed. A few bumps in the road but we did it
Nat- we?
Y/N- Wanda did the hard work, she stayed alive whilst I fixed her

Y/N goes to stand up but loses her balance and I grab her before she falls
Nat- are you okay?
Y/N- long surgery whilst creating 3 others of me, it works out as 28 hours without food or sleep so
Nat- let's get you to bed
Y/N- no it's okay, you stay here she needs you. If her vitals start dropping then hit the red button and I'll be back

Without another word, Y/N teleports herself away. I didn't know where she went or if she'd be back
Bruce- Y/N asked me to check in on you, heard you hurt your shoulder?
Nat- I'm okay really
Bruce- that's not what she says, I've been told to apply a sling and get you painkillers so I'm just going to follow orders
I nod as Bruce does what he needs. I don't know why Y/N still cared for me, I'd been horrid to her for weeks now but yet she was still giving me everything and I knew I couldn't get through this without her

Nat- Bruce, do you know where Y/N went?
Bruce- I think she said her room but I'm not sure
Nat- can you stay with Wanda for a while? I don't want her to be alone
Bruce- sure thing, Y/N seemed pretty upset so tread carefully

I head to the kitchen first to grab some food for Y/N, I needed her to take care of herself because if she didn't, then who would?
I grab some of the cookies she made and a can of Coke, she loved the stuff.
Waiting outside her room, I was nervous. It had been so long since it was just the two of us talking and I didn't know how to approach this.
Her door was ajar and I enter seeing her sat on the end of her bed, head in hands as she sobs to herself.

I throw the food down and sit next to her, using my good arm to pull her close to me as she welcomes my embrace.
Nat- hey don't cry babe, everything is going to be okay
Y/N- I've already lost you, I can't lose her as well

The words broke me, I didn't know that's how she felt. I didn't see what I was doing to her, everyday had become tough for her and I was just expecting her to get through them but realisation showed that Wanda was getting her through the days. If Wanda was gone then Y/N would be alone in her own eyes

Nat- you haven't lost me, I am right here okay. I love you Y/N and I never stopped. I was angry at you but right now, I can't be. You saved her life and gave her a chance to come back to both of us and that's what matters right now.
Y/N- what if she doesn't make it? It would be all my fault because I was supposed to save her...
I cut her off before she can continue
Nat- look at me Y/N, you have done everything you possibly could. You've pushed yourself so hard today to make sure she stayed alive and look at her, she is alive. You've giving her the fighting chance to be okay and now, it's down to her.
Y/N- I can't lose her
Nat- neither can I but right now, I need you to be okay

I give Y/N the food and drink which she gladly accepts, she doesn't say much but eats which all I needed to see. She looks tired but I know she isn't going to bed
Y/N- I'm just gonna shower and then I'll come down to check on her
Nat- okay, I'll wait here for you
Y/N- no it's okay, go be with her

I kiss Y/N's cheek and walk out of her room back to the medical floor.
I let Bruce go and sit down next to Wanda taking her hand in mine. She was the strongest avenger here but yet, she looked defeated. I was scared, not because she was like this but if she looked this bad then what would happen if this was one of the others I loved?

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