Part 39

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We sat opposite our supposed point awaiting the arrival of the Avengers. We were being called the deadly duo and it was understandable, having stolen $8million from the bank and a number of assassination, there wasn't much that we couldn't do.

The quinjet lands in a field a couple blocks away and we watch them approach, having split into two teams with one taking the from and the other taking the back.
26- who gets the disable the machine?
Y/N- Rock Paper Scissors?
26- you're on.
A quick round and of course I won, for some reason he always chose paper so I knew scissors was the way to go.

I lay down on the ground, rifle at the ready. I load the gun with the power disrupter and take aim, Iron Man taking his time to reach the top.
Out come the Witch and a Red figure, we had nothing on them so I didn't know who it was.
Faint shouts heard in the distance as the others arrive to the top.
There he was, my target. I take aim for his chest needing to disrupt his arc reactor. I take a deep breathe in and as breathing out, I pull the trigger.
The disruptor hitting target as he falls to the ground.

Stares straight towards us as we make our way down the stairs, running as fast as possible to pull them away from the city.
We had planned to split them up, we reckoned Banner and one other would stay to help Iron Man, meaning we didn't have to deal with them all.

Arriving in an abandoned warehouse, I activate the traps. Tripwires and invisible lasers could be tripped causing shots to be fired as well as loud noise and flashing lights.
We needed to disrupt them as much as possible in order to have a chance at winning.

I took cover on the balcony, watching down as the door pushed open. Witchy with her red orbs in hand and Bucky metal hand gripped right.
26- change load, sync for shot. You take Metal Arm and I'll take witchy.
Y/N- copy.
We both lined up our shots, mine would disrupt the signals in his arm causing it to be useless whilst 26 would shock Witchy reducing the effectiveness.
26- ready?
Y/N- on me, 3....2...1
We both take the shot in time, the arm becoming a dead weight as Witchy screams as her body accepts the shocks.
26- take this and inject the witch, the we deal with Metal Arm.

I stand up and take a few steps back landing in front of them. They had no idea who I was, the suit covering everything.
26 charged at Metal arm as I strolled over to the Witch. I looked down and something about her felt familiar. I shook it off, removing the shock device and rendering her unable with the injection

??- step away from her
Y/N- it's too late for that, she's helpless now
I turn around and find a gun pointed at me, of course it was the redhead.
Y/N- ah Widow, it's lovely to finally meet you.
Widow- Do I know you?
Y/N- my name is Virtue, what do I call you?
Widow- you don't get to call me anything
Y/N- my next target then
She takes a step forward triggering the invisible lasers, loud heavy music playing and lights flashing as the fight begins.

It was weird, it's like I knew what she was going to go before even she did. Sliding under the shocks she threw, my fist rises before being caught. A knee to the stomach as I bend over grabbing her waist flipping her down. I go to punch but my fist crashes into the floor as she rolls her head, the concrete smashing under my hand.
Widow- Holy Shit, guys the one in black is a super.
Y/N- I'm more than super baby, you just haven't seen that side of me yet

She throws herself at me, her legs wrapping around my neck as her elbows deal blows to my head. I walk her round smashing her down through an old crate.
Y/N- stay down before this gets worse for you
Widow- you care? Why do this then?
Y/N- I could be good but it feels good to be bad
Realisation hits her face as she tries to stand, ultimately failing
Widow- Y/N?
Y/N- who's Y/N? I'm Virtue.

I turn around and something is flying towards me. I spin and back flip in the air avoiding the oncoming weapon.
It smashes into the wall and it's a hammer, oh Thor, you tried your best.
Thor- good luck getting that out
I walk over to the wall and pull the concrete away from the hammer. It doesn't take much effort for the hammer to be in my hand as I turn around spinning creating thunder in the air
Thor- that's not possible
I throw the hammer and Thor ducks, it hits Captain America square in the chest as he goes flying back
Y/N- bullseye.

The fight continues and the avengers keep falling. 26 had dealt with Metal Arm, Thor and the red thing. I'd taken our Witch, Widow and now, I was dealing with the Captain.
His shield thrown at me hitting my mask, causing the side to break off.
Y/N- you're going to regret that
I take my knife out of the holster and head towards him when a call comes over the comms.
RS- pull out, you've done well enough

I turn the other way and run grabbing 26. We head out the back and jump into an unregistered black car. The avengers following but not being able to keep up.
26- why have we been pulled out?
RS- I don't know, we will figure it out.

We arrive back and find Red Skull waiting for us
RS- my favourite soldiers, you destroyed the Avengers tonight and you barely even have a scratch on you. As reward, you've got one night to leave and do whatever you want but it cannot be together.
In my head, I remember a name of a bar. I search it up and decide to head there.

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