Part 22

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Nat POV-

Wanda had made it through the night which according to Y/N was huge, it meant she was doing well and the surgery had gone to plan.
Y/N on the other hand, didn't get any sleep through the night. She didn't feel like she could, she sat watching the monitors the whole time making sure nothing was going wrong.

*2 days since the accident*

I didn't know how much sleep Y/N had been getting but it wasn't enough. She looked tired and was easily irritated but she wouldn't listen to any of us because she had to make sure Wanda was okay.

Wanda was now breathing on her own which was great and Y/N was planning on lightening the sedation soon so Wanda could wake up. I was nervous, I didn't know if she was going to be happy or in a lot of pain but I knew I needed to see her smile and hear her voice.

*3 days since the accident*

Y/N lightened Wanda's sedation and upped the pain medication to counter any effects she could be feeling.
Her eyes started to flicker open as I squeezed her hand
Nat- hey Wanda, if you can hear me then follow my voice and try to wake up. We are waiting for you when you're ready
She was trying hard to and slowly she woke up

Wanda- urgh, what happened?
I looked at Y/N who had tears in her eyes, she was so overwhelmed that there was no chance she could speak
Nat- you were shot babe but you're going to be okay
Wanda- my chest hurts
Nat- Y/N had to operate on you but she did an amazing job and so did you
Wanda- where is she?
Y/N- I'm right here
She makes her way round the best and sits opposite me taking Wanda's hand in her own
Y/N- you're doing so well and I'm so proud of you

Wanda- are you two still arguing?
Y/N looks up at me and it's a look of you can answer this one
Nat- no we aren't, we figured things out
Wanda- good because I don't like it when Y/N's sad and you're angry Nat, I love both of you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you two. Kids running around in our yard as we sit drinking cocktails leaving Y/N to play with them
Y/N- why me?
Wanda- because you're such a big kid, I could buy you Lego for your birthday and you'd love it
Y/N- that's true, I would
Wanda- oh God

Panic settles across mine and Y/N's face as we both look at each other. I glance at Wanda as Y/N looks at the vitals
Nat- what's wrong?
Wanda- I don't know when Y/N's birthday is
Nat- come to think of it, I don't either
I look at Y/N who isn't concentrating on what we said but instead watching the monitors still
Wanda- yoohoo earth to Y/N
Y/N- sorry what?
Wanda- when's your birthday?
Y/N- why's that important right now?
Wanda- because I've known you nearly what 3 years and we've never celebrated it
Y/N- that's because I don't like it

I could see Y/N was uncomfortable with this topic of conversation but Wanda wasn't budging on finding out the answer.
Wanda- come on, everyone loves a birthday
Nat- yeah Y/N, you can get drunk and have cake
Y/N- I could do that whenever I wanted to?
Wanda- nooooooo, you must tell me. I am injured and need this information to recover fully
Y/N- are you guilt tripping me?
Wanda- is it working?
Y/N- yes, it was 2 weeks ago

I felt even worse now. How did I not know it was her birthday? She didn't say anything about it and I didn't ever think to ask her
Wanda- what? I missed it again
Tears form in Wanda's eyes and it's strange, she doesn't tend to cry that much but this was getting to her
Y/N- hey don't worry about it
Wanda- I wanted to do something special for you and now I've missed if
Y/N- Christmas is a month away and I'll be right here to celebrate it with both of you
Wanda- you promise?
Y/N- yes I promise you

Wanda- can I ask you something Y/N?
Y/N- yeah anything
Wanda- do you like it when your fingers are inside me?
I can't help but laugh and neither can Y/N, it was so unexpected but it was everything we needed at the same time
Y/N- there's better places for my fingers to be than inside your chest
Wanda- like my pussy!
Y/N- yep you're... yeah
Wanda- I like them there, you're really good with them. Better than Nat I'd say
Y/N- you know she's sat right here?
Wanda- oh hey Nat, when did you get here?

Y/N reassures me this is normal considering she's as high as a kite, eventually it would ware off but then Wanda would be in a lot of pain
Y/N- it's time for you to get some sleep Wands
Wanda- what did I do wrong mummy? Was I a bad girl?
I look at Y/N who is trying so hard to not burst out laughing
Nat- you've been so naughty and will need punishing but first, you've gotta sleep
Wanda- ooo we've got a game going, I like it

We settle Wanda down and she's out for the count
Y/N- well that was interesting
Nat- not what I expected but thank you
Y/N- for what?
Nat- you saved her
Y/N- she saved me a long time ago so I thought I should return the favour
Nat- now you know she's okay, will you finally get some sleep?
Y/N- I'm okay, I need to keep an eye on her
Nat- she's fine and you're not, you look worse than she does. I'm taking you to bed whether you like it or not

She gives in and we head to bed, I knew she was stubborn but this was something else. I loved the girl but she knew how to shut down when she had to.
Nat- get some rest and I'll see you in the morning
Y/N- wait, can you stay?
Nat- yeah I was hoping you'd ask
I lay down next to her and she rolls over, her head resting on my chest.

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