Part 59

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Narrator POV-

The fight was in full force, Thanos army dropping from the sky as the outriders hurtled themselves towards the heroes.

Clint was protecting the gauntlet as Scott used his technology to defy laws by increasing in size, ripping the ships out of the sky smashing them down to the ground.

Tony- we are being overrun, we can't hang on for much longer
Steve- he's right, we need to regroup
??- on... your... left

They all turn as portals start opening, the Guardians the first to step through as Peter and Wanda follow behind.
Bucky arms his gun as Sam takes to the sky.
Strange- you got everyone back, now we must stop Thanos once and for all
Steve- Avengers.... ASSEMBLE!

The Avengers flood the battlefield, the outriders being destroyed as a glare of light flies through the skies
Tony- what is that?
Friday- it appears to be a known person
Nat- she's back.

Captain Marvel flies through the ship, smashing it into pieces as she comes out the other side.
Carol- it seems you need some help
Nat- the more the merrier
Carol- where's Y/N?
Nat- no idea, we can't find her. Does anyone have eyes on Y/N?
Steve- not me
Clint- nothing here.
Nat- Jesus Y/N, where the hell are you?

Captain America was fighting one on one with Thanos as the others protected the gauntlet, heading towards an old brown van.
Peter- I'm close, now I'm falling....
Carol flies past grabbing hold of Peter as she safely got him to the ground. He hands her the gauntlet as she takes the sky.
Scott- urm guys?
Nat- what is it?
Scott- the brown ugly van is in flames...
Tony- shit...

Thanos threw Cap aside like an old rag doll as Carol got shot out of the sky.
Thanos making his way over to the gauntlet when red orbs push him backwards.
Wanda- you took everything from me
Thanos- I don't know who you are
Wanda- but you are going to.

Wanda put up one hell of a fight as Thanos was thrown around the area, red orbs striking him and weakening his attacks but it was no use, he was too strong for Wanda.
His fist connecting with her face as she dropped to the ground.
He made his way towards the Gauntlet as Nat and Thor made their way over.
Nat- NO!
The gauntlet disappeared in front of their eyes as Thanos looked around.

Nat POV-

Thor and I made our way over to see Wanda knocked to the ground, Thanos about to make the Gauntlet his.
He bent down to pick it up before it disappeared right in front of him.
Thanos- where did it go?

Thor didn't waste the opportunity attacking as someone as he could.
The God striking power down from the heavens to raise hell down on Thanos.
I ran over to Wanda, blood dripping down her face

Nat- hey I've got you now
Wanda- I'm sorry for leaving you both
Nat- it's okay, we can talk about it later. A lot has happened in 5 years
Wanda- I haven't seen her, is she dead?
Nat- no no no, I don't know where she is

I look over and see Thor sent flying through debris, Thanos making his way over.
I grab my weapons and stand ready but something felt weird, something was happening.

Mjolnir went flying through the air, I spun around and there they were, the terrible trio.
Mjolnir hitting Thanos and pushing him onto his back before flying towards Y/N, comfortably landing in her hand.

The three of them attacked Thanos, Mjolnir in Y/N's hand as Elijah grabbed Caps shield from the floor.
He set himself as the power of Thunder filled her body, one strike on the shield and the surrounding area was decimated.

Y/N- you took everything from us
Thanos- I did what was needed
Y/N-NO! I lost people I love and you didn't care
Thanos- why should I? Humans plagued this world, they destroyed it and I saved it.
Y/N- you are going to die here and there is nothing you can do to stop it
Thanos- I'll kill you and get the gauntlet
Y/N- only if you can find it

The terrible trio were doing their best to stop Thanos whilst the rest of us recovered or fought off the outriders.
Bruce- the platform is running, get the gauntlet here

I saw Elijah and Noah nod at Y/N before she ran towards me
Nat- where the hell have you been?
Y/N- I'll explain everything later but I need you to get the gauntlet to Bruce
Nat- be careful
Y/N- always.

She disappeared in front of my eyes before returning a minute later, gauntlet in hand.
Y/N- take this to Bruce, if you need help then shout and I'll be there.
Nat- what are you going to do?
Y/N- I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch

I watched her run back towards the fight, Noah and Elijah laying on the ground defeated.
I turned and ran the other way past Tony and Steve who saw the gauntlet. They followed behind as they killed any outriders coming towards me.

A ship landed in front of me, more outriders pouring out.
Nat- Shit! I need help
I didn't think she'd react so quickly but there so was, her legs wrapped around Thanos' neck.
She threw him to the ground before grabbing the gauntlet from me, the power flowing through her body as she readied a plan.
Y/N- you trust me?
Nat- always.
Her lips met mine in a quick but passionate kiss.

Steve and Tony attacked Thanos keeping him as far back as possible, Y/N disappearing into the distance.
Strange- Y/N, you know what you need to do!
Nat- wait what?
Strange- keep the channel clear for her.

I could hear her crying down the comms as I made my way towards her, Thanos following behind.

Y/N- can you hear me Nat?
Nat- I'm here
Y/N- I'm really sorry baby girl, I'm about to do something and if it goes how I expect then I won't ever see you again.
Nat- No...
Y/N- I love you and I love our family, please tell Ben that and I'm so sorry for this.

The power surge knocked us off our feet, pushing us to the ground. I looked around, the enemy turning to dust and it all made sense now.
She made the greatest sacrifice.

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