Part 13

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Nat POV-
We arrive at the Harbour and are welcomed by a guard at the front gate. Y/N walks up to him and they're deep in conversation, he hands over the manifest and she searches for what we need.
He lets us all in and we we found the container.

Y/N- split up, I'll cover the far side and Wanda cover the backside
Wanda- oh I'll cover your backside
Y/N- not the time Wands

We've been here an hour and there's no sign of the Ghost yet.
Nat- how long do you want to give this?
Y/N- not much longer, it's starting to get late so if they aren't here soon then they aren't coming
I'm starting to get a little impatient, I trust Y/N but I think her source may have got this one wrong

Wanda- I've got movement
Nat- is it them?
Wanda- confirmed, the Ghost is here.
Y/N- how are we playing this?
Nat- let them open the container and then surround them. We should be too strong for them

The container doors open and there are pallets of guns, a lot more than we first thought.
Nat- let's go
We approach quietly and carefully but the Ghost hears us and starts to run
Y/N- I've got them, Wanda secure the guns

Y/N takes off running behind the Ghost, they both get away from me pretty quickly. Don't get me wrong , I'm not a slow runner but these two were ridiculously quick. I'd never really seen Y/N run, she was always a lazy fighter because of her powers.
I lose sight of them both and keep following the noise I can hear
Nat- Y/N, where are you?
Y/N- they're heading towards the front gate, I'm on there tail but they're quicker than me

I get towards the front gate and see Y/N in a fist fight with the Ghost, I knew that the Ghost would be a good fighter. After all, they'd taken down a lot of guards to get the information.
However, Y/N was probably the best fighter I'd ever trained with and yet, it looked like she was losing.
Nat- I'm near you, hold on Y/N

I get towards them as Y/N falls on the floor, no movement at all. I look around and the Ghost is gone, there's no sign of them.
Nat- are you okay?
She doesn't reply, I get over to her and blood is pouring down her face.
Wanda- the police are coming, we've got to go
Nat- meet us at the house, just go Wanda

I help Y/N up and she teleports us back to the house. I drop her down onto the couch and she flops into it.
Y/N- she's a hell of a fighter
Nat- she?
Y/N- yeah, too much bouncing for it to be a man
Nat- seriously? Looking at her boobs whilst fighting?
Y/N- I had to confirm
Nat- at least I know that head injury hasn't made you an smarter.
Y/N- I've got an IQ of 178, I can't get much smarter
Nat- so why do you always act so dumb?
Y/N- it's fun, people don't expect things from the stupid one.

I grab the medical kit and clean her face up
Y/N- how's it looking?
Nat- it's gonna need stitches
Y/N- you better not make them ugly, this face is worth millions
Nat- oh shut up

The plan had worked perfectly. Making the ghost quick meant Nat could never catch up, keeping Wanda behind so she didn't destroy the duplicate.
So yeah, the cut on my head wasn't quite as planned but it's helped them know it's not me.

Nat- I just want to check for concussion
Y/N- go for it
Nat- how many fingers?
Y/N- 26
Nat- Jesus, why do I love you?
Y/N- woah
Nat- I just said that
Y/N- yeah, yeah you did
Nat- I'm sorry
Y/N- I love you too Natasha
Nat- I'm gonna go to bed, it's been a long night

She ran upstairs quickly and I watched her leave. She always believed love was for children and I thought I'd give her some time to process what had been said.
Wanda strolled in and smiled at me before rushing to the sofa sitting next to me
Wanda- are you okay? Does it hurt?
Y/N- not really, I've got a little headache but nothing too serious
Wanda- where's Nat?
Y/N- Nat just told me she loves me
Wanda- she finally did it
Y/N- you knew?
Wanda- yeah, we've talked about it before
Y/N- should I talk to her?
Wanda- she needs more than that from you, she's been dying for some alone time. You don't have much food here so I'll get some, that should give you two enough time
Y/N- thanks Wanda

I head upstairs and knock on Nat's door
Nat- come in
Y/N- hey
Nat- I didn't think you'd come see me
Y/N- yeah well Wanda gives some good reasons why I should
Nat- what are those reasons?
Y/N- it's easier to show you

I sit on the bed next to her and pull her onto my lap, kissing her slowly and deeply.
Nat- you don't have to do this if you don't want to
Y/N- I told you you'd get me on my own at some point
Nat- and we can do anything?
Y/N- whatever you want.

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