Part 52

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I sat in the back of the jet, on my own. Natasha flying whilst the others all started working on the plan and how they would get the stone out of Visions head.

I close my eyes, the flight was going to be long and I needed the rest.
I didn't know how long it had been when I felt a hand on my shoulder, gently nudging me
Wanda- hey, it's time to wake up
Y/N- oh hey, thanks
Wanda- you look different
Y/N- in a good way?
Wanda- you grew your hair and you've been in the gym a lot so yes, it's a good way.
Y/N- yeah well I haven't been sleeping well so I had to do something with my time
Wanda- why?
Y/N- I've been worried about you and if we'd be able to get to you if anything happened.

Her hand takes mine, our fingers tangling together
Wanda- you did save us today so thank you, I owe you for everything
Y/N- so are you and Vision you know like together?
Wanda- I'm so sorry Sonny
Y/N- don't worry about it, if you're happy then that's all that matters.
I give her hand a quick squeeze before heading to the cockpit, taking a seat next to Nat

I didn't say anything and she knew something was wrong, her hand resting on my knee as she gives a gentle smile.
She was all I needed, the reassurance she gave me made me know I was good enough. I was enough for her and she loved me for who I was.
Nat- do you wanna talk about it?
Y/N- she's in love with Vision and I told her I was okay with it
Nat- Are you?
Y/N- I don't know...
Nat- it's okay, let's finish this once we've won this war
Y/N- yeah you're right.

The jet lands and we walk out into Wakanda. The place was beautiful and unlike anything anyone had ever seen before.
Bruce- do we bow?
Y/N- of course, he's a king
Bruce walks forward bowing down in honour as T'Challa ushers him up saying 'we don't do that here'
I can't help but chuckle as Nat elbows me in the ribs, hiding her laugh behind a smirk on her face.

T'Challa- ah Y/N, it's nice to see you again
Y/N- you too, how's your mother and sister been?
Shuri- you could ask me yourself dear sister
Y/N- Ah Shuri, come give ya sister a hug
She runs over and I wrapped my arms around her, she attached to me like a koala as I got odd looks from the others.
Bucky- do I get that kind of welcome?
Steve- only from me
We start to walk away when Nat grabs my hand
Nat- how do you know each other?
Y/N- I was here for 6 months a while back, they welcomed me like I was one of their own.

All the introductions were done as we took Vision to the lab
Shuri- it's going to take some time, you really messed up the integration
Bruce- we did the best we could
Shuri- oh yes, the people who think they're geniuses, why not ask Y/N to do it?
Y/N- I was dead basically
Shuri- ah one of your infamous stories, you must tell me one day.

The alarms start to sound, my hand grabbing onto my gun holstered on my hip as Shuri runs over the computer.
Shuri- he is here, an army is here Brother.
T'Challa- we fight now
Steve- let's get down there, Natasha you're with me. Y/N stay here and protect Vision with Wanda
Nat- be safe
Y/N- you better not die on me, we've got a future to plan for.
I kiss her as her hand rests on my chest, heart pounding.
Nat- we are going to be okay, no matter what.

I watch her leave as I stand with with Shuri, she drags me away and puts me to work.
Shuri- watch the shields, I will start the work.
Wanda stands watching the fight out the window as the outriders are killing themselves trying to get through the wall.
Y/N- they're coming round the back
T'Challa- we need to keep them here
Y/N- are you all ready?
Steve- for what?
Y/N- the war to begin.

I open up the sector and the outriders flood in, Steve and T'Challa sprinting their way down as Rhodey and Sam attack from the sky.
Nat- we are being outnumbered, we need you magic hands
Both Wanda and I look up at the same time
Y/N- Go. I'll protect him
Wanda- you don't have to
Y/N- you care about him and I still love you so yes, I do.
Wanda- Thank you, I'll protect Natasha for you

Shuri continues to work as the battle picks up, Wanda smashing down the ships around people taking down some of the outriders.
Two guards from the Dora Milaje protecting the door as the floor starts to vibrate.
I look up and the doors fly open, Corvus swinging his spear round as he takes down the women.
Shuri opens fires as I get vision off the table and down the side, Corvus heading straight for us.

Y/N- we've been breached, Vision is in trouble!
Corvus running at us, I pushed Vision to the side as he tackled me straight through the window. My head smashing against the roof as I feel blood pouring down my head.
Punches being thrown as we free fall from the building. I grab onto him before we hit the ground, landing on top of him as he slows down my impact.

Vision- Y/N just fell out of the window, I'm going to help her.
Steve- someone get to them, NOW!
Bucky- I'm on my way
Bruce- I'll meet you there.

My sight was blurred as I heard the faint sounds of gun fire and shouting.
I roll over, figures fighting what looked like Corvus and a portal started to open.
Y/N- Thanos.
Steve- what?
Y/N- he's here, I need you here now.

I stood up, losing balance as I rest against a tree. Bruce was tossed to the side by Thanos like an old rag.
Thanos- Ah Y/N Stevenson, it's nice to see you again. I hope you're feeling okay
Y/N- I'm not letting you have that stone
Thanos- then I'll just have to kill you.

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