Part 31

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Nat POV-

Y/N walks back inside with Pepper, they'd been outside for a couple minutes chatting but who knows what about.

She takes a seat on an empty couch and her head is in her hands. She's been off with us recently and I wasn't going to push her to talk to us, I didn't know what she was going through but I knew she had to deal with it herself.
I walk over to her and sit down next to her, I rest my hand on her knee as she looks over at me

Nat- what's up babe?
Y/N- I don't even know where to begin
Nat- you can talk to me about anything and you know that
Y/N- I know but it's not the right time, not here
Nat- well whenever you are ready then I'll be here and I'm sure Wanda will be as well
Y/N- thank you
She kisses me and it's soft, I could tell she was worried about something and her being so guarded was usual for her but I hoped she trusted me by now.

A couple hours pass and Y/N disappears to the bathroom.
Peter- can anyone else hear that?
Tony- is your Peter tingle going off?
Peter- ew gross, don't call it that but yes, something is wrong
Jarvis- Mr Stark, an unknown vehicle has entered your property.
Tony- get ready everyone
Y/N- Eli, teleport Pepper out of here and to safety. Head to my room and tell Jarvis to activate plan SGC
Eli- copy that
Nat- what's SGC?
Tony- Sonny's gone crazy, locks her room down.

He does as Y/N says in the knick of time as the door flies open, heavily armed men enter the house and start shooting. Y/N runs over and grabs Wanda pushing them both down behind the coach, Steve pushes me to the floor as he falls down next to me.

Y/N- anyone got a plan here or can I do something?
Tony- Just do it kid!
She closes her eyes and reopens them having turned a light blue colour. Strands of blue fly out of her hands and towards the armed me who all stop shooting.
The strands invade their bodies and they all start dropping to the floor, their guns being moved towards us by Y/N.
Y/N- someone cuff them.
Steve and Tony head over and lock them into a shipping container Tony has stored outside.

Y/N has her hands against the wall with Peter gently rubbing her arm
Peter- you did a really good job but I need you to calm down now and come back to us
He glances over at us and I run over
Nat- hey baby, you did such a good job and we are all so proud of you but I can't thank you if you're like this so if you feel ready then please calm down
I can see the blue tint in her eyes fading back to her original colour as she takes a deep cleansing breath.

Wanda- well we haven't seen that in a while.
Y/N- I don't use it often, it's umm incredibly dangerous
Peter- guys, we aren't finished yet
The pain in his head becomes overwhelming as he drops to his knees
Y/N- Pete, what is it?
He just points towards the giant windows as helicopters all fly towards us, the missile launchers opening.
Y/N- shit....

Before we could react the missiles hit.


The air is thick with smoke, electrical wires sparking as water drips from the pipes.
I can't help but cough as they overwhelming stench of fuel suffocates the remainder of the room.

Y/N- can anyone hear me?
Steve- Sonny, I need help over here
I sit up and pain shoots through my body, there's blood coming from my stomach as a shard of glass sticks through my shirt.

Pushing through the pain barrier, I manage to stand up and follow Steve's voice over towards the edge.
Tony- urgh god what?
Y/N- where are your medical supplies?
Tony- cabinet over there
Noah- I've got them, Y/N treat them and I'll teleport anyone back to base for later
Y/N- good idea

He runs the bag over and the first thing I do is yank the glass out of my stomach. I hold in my screams as Noah covers my mouth. He puts pressure on the wound and dresses it so I can do my job.

Noah starts to teleport any of the walking wounded out of there. Clint, Steve and Peter had all gone.
Wanda was helping me move debris and as we searched for the others.
Tony was stuck but not seriously injured.
We couldn't find Natasha.

The building shifts and starts to tilt downwards causing us to all lose out footing. I grab onto a cable and grab Wanda's hand before she falls.
I teleport us both to the compound
Wanda- thank you
Y/N- I'm gonna find her but you have to stay here
Wanda- I'm not leaving her
Y/N- you being here means I don't have to save both of you, please?
She kisses me before I leave.

Carol- Help!
I stagger my way over and see her injuries are serious
Carol- it hurts so much Y/N
Y/N- yeah I can see why, okay so I can get you out of here but this isn't gonna be pretty
I don't give her a chance to respond as I pull out the piece of rebar which was stuck in her stomach. I use pressure and apply a dressing before teleporting her back
Y/N- NOAH, Apply pressure and hook the monitors up.

I get back and the building isn't going to hold for much longer. Tony had got himself out of the building and was waiting outside where it was safe.
I didn't know where she was and then, the buildings structure gave way fully. Everything falling out the side and that's when I saw her body rolling down.
I run towards the edge and throw myself off the building praying I can catch her before we hit the water.....

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