Part 28

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As much as I wanted to stay with Nat and Wanda right now, Steve needed medical help and that was me.

Y/N - right, get Steve down to the medical bay and I'll meet you there
Tony- copy that, it's good to see you again Y/N
Y/N- leave all the soppy comments to yourselves, I don't need to cry today
Tony- I'm not sure I've ever seen you cry, cold hearted bit.....
Y/N- don't finish that comment or everyone will see you cry
Tony- it's good to have you back Sonny

I give Wanda and Nat another hug before we all head to the medical room. Steve is slowly taking of his suit and I give him a hand
Y/N- how's the pain?
Steve- I've had worse but my ribs are killing me
I gently push them and he grunts in pain, they were definitely broken but I needed an X-ray to confirm that.
Y/N- okay so we need an X-ray to confirm my suspicions and if correct, you'll need to rest for a few days
Steve- just a few days?
Y/N- big old super soldier heals quicker than the rest of us

I laugh as I finish packing away the supplies, I hand Steve some pain meds and ship him off to the hospital for an X-ray. I knew people there who could get him in and out without being seen.

Bruce- good to see you up Y/N, but sit down we've got some tests to run
Y/N- I feel fine, I've eaten and drunk plenty
Bruce- that doesn't change a damn thing, sit down.
I turn around to see Nat and Wanda blocking the door, for some reason I think they forget I could just teleport out of here
Y/N- you know that's not going to stop me right?
Nat- how about no cuddles or sex until you get checked out?
Y/N- you've both gone nearly 4 months without them from me so I think you're the ones who'd be desperate
Both their faces turn red as Bruce clears his throat

Bruce- you two can leave for a while, it's best we have privacy to complete these test.

*5 hours later*

Y/N- when you said you wanted an extensive work up, I didn't realise you meant everything
Bruce- it seems you're healthy, are you having any problems?
Y/N- I've got this headache but that's about it
Bruce- keep an eye on it, if things don't get better soon then we will get scans
Y/N- aye aye Doctor.

I jump off the bed and head towards my room, it was already 10 o'clock and I just wanted to sleep.
I didn't know where Nat and Wanda were but I could see them tomorrow and it would be fine.
I roam the halls and hear noise, being the weirdo I am, I decide to follow and see what's happening or who's happening.

I follow the noise and end up outside Wanda's room, the door is closed so I gently open it.
To no surprise it was Wanda and Nat but not how I expected it. Wanda using a strap on pounding into Nat who was actually a mess
I just laugh and close the door, I don't think they saw me but it really didn't matter if they did.

I head to my room which is a little further down from hers, I have a quick shower without washing my hair because going to bed with wet hair was always a disaster for me.
I throw on a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt, I get into bed and fall asleep pretty quickly

Wanda POV-

Nat and I decided to have some fun whilst Y/N was being poked and prodded. We knew she wouldn't care because she was so laid back that we could do anything we wanted and she'd be fine with it.

I heard the door creak open but I didn't look to see who it was, Nat was close to finishing and I was never the dominant one when I was with her so this was pleasure for us both

Nat- oh shit, Fuck Wanda!
Her cum drips down the strap and onto the sheets. I gently edge out of her and lay down
Wanda- did you hear the door?
Nat- what, no?!

I check the time and knew everyone would be asleep so I clean myself and Nat up leaving her to sleep. I head to Y/N's room to see if she's in there yet.
The doors closed but I gently open it and find her sound asleep in her bed. Laying stomach down and no top on, her scars are prominent.
She looked peaceful and I didn't want to disturb that so I close the door and head back to my room.

*The next morning*

I wake up to see Nat has already left, she was an early riser compared to me.
I throw some clothes on and head downstairs finding everyone except Y/N in the kitchen grabbing breakfast.

Bucky- someone had a good night last night
He smirks and looks towards me and Nat, he was brave mentioning this to us
Bucky- oh fuck Wanda, yes Wanda don't stop
Everyone starts to laugh as I feel the embarrassment taking over, Nat just laughs.
Wanda- at least I know how to get a girl to finish boys
Tony- she really went there
I high-five Buck as I walk past grabbing the seat next to him.
Wanda- has anyone seen Y/N?
Bucky- she's been in the gym for the past hour

I nod and head down there, I wanted to make sure she was okay. I walk in and she's destroying a punching bag, it goes flying off it's chains as she takes a step back
Wanda- woah, what did that thing ever do to you?
She looks over at me without saying a word, her eyes black and I knew, something was bothering her. She was angry and this was how she was dealing with it.

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