Part 43

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I'd been back at the compound a couple hours now and it was overwhelming. All of these people having stories about me and knowing things that just made no sense to me.
I didn't feel like the person they were talking about but it was who they wanted me to be. I didn't have the heart to tell them though.

Nat- you look tired, want to get some rest?
Y/N- um.. yeah I think I should
Nat- I'll walk you there if that's okay?
Y/N- yeah

The walk was slow, Nat wanted to say something and I could feel her thoughts. Very loud in fact.
Y/N- you know I can hear what you're thinking
Nat- you can?
Y/N- one of my gifts
Nat- noted.
Y/N- are you going to tell me what's wrong or do I have to keep listening to your incredibly loud bickering thoughts?
Nat- I thought you were dead

Now I understand. I could sense her pain, the way she had been feeling since the day I had left. She was strong on the outside but a mess on the inside.
Y/N- for months I didn't know who I was, I felt like I had died. Probably would have been better for everyone if I did
Nat- don't say that.

Standing outside my door and there's nothing. No recollection of what's inside.
Y/N- thank you
Nat- let J.A.I know if you need anything
Y/N- who?
Nat- it's something you built, an interface.
Y/N- just another interface
Nat- exactly that. Okay so get some rest and I'll see you in the morning
Y/N- goodnight Natasha

The room is something I remembered once I walked in. I knew where everything was and the feelings I'd experienced being here. The happiness, sadness, excitement and pain all rose over me.
Kate- hey
I couldn't manage a word but I mustered a smile as she slowly approached perching down next to me
Y/N- is there where I belong?
Kate- yes Y/N, these people love you
Y/N- you are leaving aren't you?
Kate- I'm sorry but I've been called back
Y/N- it's okay, I'll figure it out.
Kate- trust them Sonny, they want to help you and I'll be back as soon as I can
Y/N- I don't remember them and I can't be the person they remember either
Kate- then be whoever you are now, all they've wanted for the last year is you back and now they've got to so don't shy away from them.

Wanda POV-

The emotions from yesterday were still running high. I never expected to see Y/N again, it made sleeping next to someone else hard.
Vision had made my life easier since Y/N went missing. He comforted me in ways the others couldn't and he always kept me going. It took him some time to understand what we had meant but eventually, it was us.
I rolled over looking at my alarm clock, 04:23am. I couldn't sleep any longer so I got up being as quiet as possible not to wake anyone.

Some of the lights were on and I followed them to the gym.
Y/N was up and working out already. Her body was better than ever, muscles looked stronger and more defined.
One hand on the bar as she pulled herself up, chains hanging off the back of her legs.

Y/N- good morning
Wanda- oh hey, how did you know I was here?
Y/N- everyone here have very loud thoughts
I watched her drop down as she turns around, new scars on her torso. I could feel the tears filling my eyes as she shook her head before looking down

Y/N- you can ask about them but I can't tell you anything about them
Wanda- you don't remember?
Y/N- not a clue
Wanda- can I ask what you do remember?
Y/N- there's flashes of things, the last year is clear. Everything with Hydra and 26 is memorable for me but anything before that, I just don't know
Wanda- do you remember me?
Y/N- there's one thing, a bar we spent time together at?
Wanda- it's where we met, I think from that second I knew I loved you
Y/N- I'm sorry but I don't remember that feeling

I wipe the tears off my face and compose myself before giving her a small smile. She starts training again and I just watch. I didn't want to let her out of my sight.
Natasha comes in next and watches with me. Her movements were delicate but she packed a punch.

Nat- fancy a spar?
Y/N- yeah okay, I might be a little rusty though
Nat- it's fine
I watch them in the ring and she was far from rusty. Her movements were well calculated and precise as she side stepped a hit from Nat. A fist went flying towards her as she caught it, twisting it away and using the momentum to flip Natasha before straddling her lap

Nat- not rusty
Y/N holds her hand to her head, stepping away from Nat. I could see the pain on her face and I knew what was happening
Wanda- it's a memory, I can feel it
Nat- what is it?
Y/N- we've done this before, us three. We argued before a mission
Wanda- yeah we did
Y/N- I locked myself in my head and pushed you away
Nat- that's right, anything else?
Y/N- I ran off to Peter and got...
Wanda- got what?

Y/N heads out of the training room and into hers, we followed behind wanting to ensure she was okay.
Her drawers fly open as she searched through them before grabbing what she wanted.
2 small boxes.

Nat- what are they?
Y/N slides down the wall and opens them, intently staring.
Wanda- Y/N?
Y/N- I was going to propose...

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