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She had waited all day, camping far enough to remain out of sight but close enough to watch them. There were five or six young women, along with one child, while the rest of them were rugged men. 

She wasn't afraid of them, however, she had faced much more dangerous men in the past. She cleaned her rifle thoroughly, keeping an eye on her two grazing horses. 

Her rifle was only ever used on wildlife, but she would not hesitate to intimidate her next victim for money. It would be complicated, though - there were many men adorned with multiple firearms. 

She would have to be extra cautious as to not get caught, or she would be faced with many of those guns. She pulled out her binoculars when she spotted movement in the outlaw camp. The flap to the largest tent was pulled open, and out stepped a man.

He was well dressed and carried a sense of authority as he mingled with his fellow companions. He must be the gang leader. He approached another man, who looked as though he lived outside for the better part of his life. They looked to be having a friendly conversation over the stew pot.

 She pursed her lips, lowering her binoculars to glance up at the sky. Won't be long now until nightfall.


She moved slowly through the bushes, careful to avoid the horses. She circled around the camp, spotting the main tent; she eyed the sleeping outlaws, her gaze lingering on the tent with the open lantern for a moment longer.

She looked back at the main tent as she neared, a grin appearing when she spotted her prize. She stood over the lockbox containing the gang's savings, and when she opened the lid her jaw had dropped.

There's at least $1000 in cash in here! She quickly pocketed the money, but before she could make her escape, a sound caught her attention. She pulled up her bandana over her nose, her hand resting on her rifle.

She backed away slowly, but she had no time to run when the footsteps suddenly grew louder and faster. The outlaw rushed in, his two pistols already aimed at her, and she raised her rifle. The gang leader...great.

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