Chapter 17

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"Never thought you'd have somethin' like that in ya." Helen glanced over to Arthur, who looked rather impressed. After her interrogation, Dutch had insisted she joined Arthur along with Kieran and two other men, John and Bill, to find Colm O'Driscoll.

The boy was riding with John next to her, but he fearfully averted her gaze. Helen scoffed at Arthur, eyeing Kieran; "Well, his first mistake was thinkin' I was a lady," she snickered.

Kieran merely flinched, but provided no other reaction to her words. Arthur chuckled as he rode ahead of Helen; "Dutch made the right call with you," he said.

She only hummed at his words, falling silent as they arrived at Six Point Cabin. The five outlaws stepped down from their horses; "Just over the ridge there," Kieran said, taking the lead.

Helen walked beside Arthur, her rifle in hand; "I ain't shot up another gang in a hot minute," she stated with a small grin. "We'll get to see how good of a shot you are," Bill muttered sarcastically.

Almost too instinctively, Helen aimed her rifle at the back of Bill's head, but Arthur quickly lowered her gun. "Get down!" John hissed, and the five of them huddled together. "The cabin's in the clearing down there. There'll be a bunch of fellers hiding out there, too," Kieran explained.

"Are these fellers armed?" Arthur asked. Of course they would be, moron. "Armed, drunk, wary of strangers, yup," Kieran confirmed. Helen tuned out, surveying the clearing closely; the O'Driscolls were scattered about and indeed drunk, each of them carrying a revolver at their hip.

Her eyes shifted to the three men who suddenly appeared out of the trees. She slung her rifle over her shoulder and pulled out of her knife when one man stopped at a tree.

"I got this one, boys," she hissed. "Please, by all means," Bill muttered, but this time he was ignored. Helen crouched low to the ground and sprinted forward, her steps light and quick.

She slowed when she neared the O'Driscoll and readied herself; she leapt forward and pinned him to the tree before stabbing him. Arthur and Bill then raced forward and killed the other two before John joined them. "Not bad," John said with a nod.

She just huffed, grabbing onto her rifle; "Now we have the drop on 'em, I say we go in there guns blazin'," she suggested. That earned her three confused stares from each man. "Are you tryin' to get us killed, girl?!" Bill snapped angrily.

Helen just rolled her eyes; "We can surprise them and get a few kills in before they start shooting back. So let's hurry up before we blow our covers," she hissed, then barged past them with her gun up and ready.

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