Chapter 57

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"That was a nasty cough last night, Arthur," Helen commented. It had been a long night of fighting off Pinkertons and defending the temporary camp. Everyone was exhausted and terrified, but Arthur had looked the worst. He waved her off, going back to guarding the area.

"Ain't nothin', just a little tickle in the throat. Don't worry about me," he replied. Helen stood in front of him, hands on her hips as she examined his face. His skin looked pale, his eyes were sunken in and bloodshot, and he was breathing heavily. "Arthur, I ain't blind," she said sternly.

He sighed in defeat, glancing over at her; "Alright...maybe I feel a little sick," he muttered. Helen's gaze then sharpened on him, her hands balled into fists. "Get your ass to a doctor - now."

Arthur looked ready to protest, but she cut him off. "I've had to lose one of the closest people in my life to disease, and I ain't about to watch you go out the same way," she hissed, her jaw clenched.

Arthur held her challenging gaze for a few moments, his own eyes unreadable. Finally, he let out a sigh and lowered his head. "Fine, only for you...somebody's gotta take my post, though."

Helen snatched his rifle, ushering him towards his horse. "I'll take over the rest of your shift, now go on to a doctor, Morgan."


"You think he's sick?" Charles asked. Helen was sat next to him as he sharpened a wooden stick. Bill had relieved her of her post some time ago, and now she was waiting for Arthur's return.

"Nah, I know he's sick. It's clear as day," Helen replied. Charles leaned closer to her, kissing the top of her head. "He'll be okay, Arthur is strong," he reassured. She merely hummed, turning when she spotted movement. Arthur awkwardly approached, his gaze set on the ground.

"Charles, Helen...will you ride with me?" he asked quietly. "Always." Helen stared Arthur down expectantly, but he just shook his head and gestured discreetly to Charles.

I ain't letting this go, Morgan. "Where we headed?" Charles asked as they mounted their horses. "Up past Butcher Creek." Both Helen and Charles froze, exchanging a worried look.

"That's Murfree Brood country," Charles said. "Dutch can't possibly wanna camp there," Helen added as they rode off. "That's why I'm asking you to ride with me - we're lookin' for a place to hole up. Even the law won't follow us up there too willingly," Arthur explained.

Dutch has surely lost it.... "I did some scouting up there while you boys were away," Charles admitted. Helen gasped as he took the lead. "Is that why you came home all bruised after bein' gone all day?!" she asked.

Charles looked at her apologetically; "I didn't want to worry you, my love," he said honestly. He's lucky I love him. Helen's eyes widened at her own thought, and she lowered her head. Whoa....

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