Chapter 40

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Helen was quick to pack up her belongings - her few clothes, her guns and her bedroll. She was content with owning very little property, it meant she could run quicker if need be.

She rode now behind the main wagon, at Charles' side. Sadie rode up next to her, engaging in small talk with Karen. "Dutch handled them Pinkertons well," Sadie said, glancing at Helen. She scoffed, a scowl on her face; "A damn shame he didn't shoot them idiots right there," she grumbled.

Charles chuckled lightly at that; "We'd have much bigger problems if he did that, spit fire," he teased. Not in front of Sadie and Karen! Sadie blinked in surprise while Karen giggled ever so quietly. "I'll shoot my way out if I have to, then, I ain't afraid," Helen muttered, embarrassed.

Sadie mouthed 'spit fire' to Helen with a discrete, over dramatic wink. I'm never going to live that down now. The gang finally pulled up to a well hidden manor in the middle of the woods. Arthur walked out through the two large front doors.

"Welcome home! All o' ya, to my humble abode!" he called with a wave. Helen pulled her horse off to the side, stepping down and hitching her to a post. "An actual house this time," she commented, looking around.

They were surrounded by marshland and lakes, and there was enough open ground for everyone's lodgings to be spread out evenly. "I'll definitely be spendin' my time reading in that gazebo," she heard Hosea say. She bit her lip as she watched him ride up to her, and an idea came to mind.

"H-hey...D-Dad?" she called awkwardly. Dad.... "Do, still wanna go fishin'?" Hosea's eyes lit up in delight at her offer, and he held out his hand. "Come on up, darlin'."


"So...tell me about yourself." Helen turned to her father as the two lounged in a canoe. He reeled his fishing line in slowly as he watched her. "Well, I told you what I've been doing - what about you?" he asked. Helen looked away for a moment, thinking over her words.

"I think you'll be pleased to know I made my first robbery at 15." Hosea let out a hearty laugh, patting his daughter's back in praise. "Atta girl." Helen smiled lightly, feeling warm at her father's praise, and she looked down a little shyly.

"I continued, obviously, to rob all sorts of people in different towns. I supported us least four years, but...." Helen trailed off, her smile slowly dropping. He deserves to know.

"Mom got real sick...I tried buyin' all kinds of medicine, but nothin' worked. No doctor could help, neither...and she died 3 years ago...." Hosea's own smile slowly fell as well, and he lowered his head and his fishing pole.

The two of them sat in silence for a few long moments, until Hosea let out a shaky sigh. "Take me to her...please...."

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