Chapter 64

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Helen was not surprised when, the next day, another problem arose. Eagle Flies had appeared in camp, demanding for aid with attacking the oil company threatening his tribe's land.

After Rains Fall failed at attempting to stop his son, the gang had agreed to help Eagle Flies. Had I known how crazy and paranoid Dutch would have become and all of these jobs he would make us do, I'd never have joined this god forsaken gang.

Her gaze shifted from Arthur, to Sadie and to Charles as the gang attacked the factory. But I never would have met these three morons, and I would still be running all over this country alone.

She moved up, firing at any approaching soldiers; some of the others pushed up with her, ducking for cover. A train cart ahead of them suddenly opened, revealing a Gatling gun, and Helen froze.

"Helen!" She was suddenly tackled to the ground just as the gun was fired. She looked up at none other than Javier, surprise written all over her face. "Get the hell off'a me!"

She shoved him harshly and scrambled to her feet, raising her rifle and shooting down the gunner. Helen sent Javier a sharp glare before following the others through the train.

She tackled one soldier who had attacked a Native warrior, Paytah, and shot him in the head. "Thank you!" he said, but Helen had already pushed on.

"I don't see none of them standing no more!" Bill suddenly called. The gang soon regrouped during that moment of peace. Charles suddenly raced to Helen's side, his eyes wide.

"Helen, you've been shot!" She glanced down at herself, and a searing pain shot through her abdomen. Charles caught her when she staggered, holding her up carefully.

"Charles, get her patched up! Arthur, let's go finish things!" Dutch yelled, then disappeared with Arthur in the factory. Together, Sadie and Charles led Helen to Taima, where Charles produced bandages from the saddlebag.

"Here, wait." Sadie hurried to her horse to grab something before hurrying back. "Here, it'll hurt but it'll help," she said, handing Helen a bottle of whiskey.

No doubt it'll hurt. She lifted her shirt to reveal the bullet wound, and with a deep breath she poured the alcohol on her wound. She let out a screech and nearly crumpled from the pain if Sadie had not grabbed her.

"It's okay, my love, you'll be okay," Charles reassured, quickly wrapping the bandage around her. "She okay?" Arthur's voice caught their attention, and they turned to see him carrying a wounded Eagle Flies.

"I'm doin' better than the kid,'' Helen muttered, whistling for her horse, then turned to Sadie. "Get on out of here, woman, we'll be okay."

She then carefully mounted Erin, gritting her teeth and wincing as she turned to Arthur. "Let's get him to Wapiti as fast as we can."

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