Chapter 19

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Helen hadn't been in Valentine in a long time, and riding in with Daisy gave her an odd feeling of nostalgia. She had run into some of the others - Uncle, Karen, Tilly and Mary-Beth - and they had said some of the missing boys were in the town saloon.

True enough, Helen recognized Arthur's and Charles' horses hitched at the saloon. I've never said no to a drink before. A chair was suddenly launched through the window, making her duck to avoid the flying object. Until today.

Helen barged through the saloon doors to see every single man locked in a brawl. Bill was easily pummeling a poor sap, Arthur and Charles were back to back, and Javier was pinned to the bar.

She rushed over to him, delivering a heavy roundhouse kick to the attacker's head. He immediately hit the floor and did not get back up. "J-Jesus, Ms. Matthews?!" Javier gasped in surprise. "You're welcome."

She ducked just in time to dodge a punch, and she grabbed a bottle to smash over her attacker's head. With an excited yell, Helen ran into the fray and tackled another man to the ground. She laughed as she punched her victim unconscious, then leapt to her feet.

"Helen!" She looked over at Arthur, who raced over and shoved a surprise attacker away. "The hell are ya doin' here?!" he demanded. "I decided to join in on the remodelin'!" she snapped back. "What the hell's going on down there?!"

Suddenly, a large, burly man stomped down the stairs, looking enraged. Helen's eyes widened, and she patted Arthur's shoulder; "You can take over now!" Javier attempted to rush him, but he was quickly beaten down.

Helen hurried forward, ducking under the man's arms and kicking him in the back. "Get on up, amigo!" she yelled, hauling Javier to feet. "Come here, you weasel!" Helen yelled when she was suddenly pulled by her hair, and the man dragged her back. "Let her go!"

She was dropped when Charles attacked the man, and she scrambled away quickly. Charles grabbed her by the hand and rushed out just as Arthur got thrown out the window.

Bill was already outside, and Javier soon followed while holding his jaw. "You have one mean kick there, Helen," he said, leaning back on the wall while mumbling, "Thank you."

She felt a gentle hand on the back of her head, which made her wince. "Your scalp is very red, are you okay?" Charles asked, concerned. Helen looked back at him, smiling a little awkwardly; "Nothing a little rest can't fix," she reassured.

Her eyes then landed on Arthur, who pinned the man to the ground, and she grinned. "Get him, Arthur!"

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