Chapter 69

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"Do you know where we are?" Helen gritted her teeth at Javier's question, her frustration bubbling up. "I...the" She couldn't force out a sentence, making her drop her head.

"I don't know where we are...." She slowed her horse to a stop, her head lowering in shame. I said I was going to find you, but now I can't even follow a simple trail.

Javier rode up next to her, unbeknownst to Helen. She didn't see the way he was looking at her, a gentle gaze with a hidden meaning. "Hey." Helen looked up at him, and he offered her a comforting smile.

"We can take a break if you need one, get your bearings and collect yourself. We've been traveling for at least two or three weeks," he said softly. Helen's upright posture deflated, and she hunched over a little. "You're right...." Javier just sighed before taking the lead in silence.

It had been an odd few weeks, riding alone with Javier after the fall of the gang. Helen would still cast him suspicious looks when he wasn't watching, or move her bedroll a little further away.

Despite his admitting to his mistakes, it was still hard to completely trust him. I guess we just need a bit more time to become actual friends. If that's even possible.

Javier suddenly stopped, holding his hand up for silence. Ahead of them, a group of armed men were traveling on a different path. The army?! They approached slowly, keeping their distance as the voices grew louder.

"I wasn't planning on firin' this new gun until we got back to base," one soldier said, patting his saddlebag. I don't remember hearing gunshots in the area...? "You think we got 'em all?" a second soldier asked. Helen and Javier slowed, both reaching for their guns cautiously.

"I'm sure we got a lot of 'em. If anythin', the rest probably scattered,'' a third one replied. What did they do? The first one scoffed in disgust, waving his hand dismissively.

"It's inhuman, the way they live - makin' their home in the dirt and mud. 'Savages' is the right name for them." Javier was too slow to stop Helen from lifting her gun, and four of the ten soldiers were killed.

While Javier hid behind cover, Helen remained on her horse, who paced quickly. "YOU MONSTERS!!" she screeched. Some tried escaping on their horses, but she didn't hesitate to shoot their mounts, as well.

"Helen, come back!" She ignored Javier's call and raced forward, trampling those who had tried to flee. The firing then ceased, and the clearing fell silent. Helen slid off her horse, landing heavily on her back.

She ignored the pain she felt, her breathing fast and shaky, and an agonized shriek was ripped from her lungs.


R.I.P. to the fleeing Native tribe😔🤚

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