Chapter 70

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1907 - 35 years old

Eight long years passed since the fall of the Van der Linde gang. Any of its surviving members were lost, fending for themselves or beginning a new life.

That was the case for Tilly and Mary-Beth, whom Helen had encountered in Saint Denis. Despite having been happy to see her old friends, Helen no longer felt that connection to them, and politely declined their offer of hospitality.

She had reluctantly given up the search for Charles after the encounter with the army group. Instead, she settled for wandering the wild plains of West Elizabeth, having built a small cabin in the woods.

Her neighbours were noisy squatters that she deeply wished she could shoot. I would rather not have a bounty on my head, though. She let out a sigh as she approached her cabin, smiling when Boaz the horse neighed at her arrival. "Hey, boy," she cooed once she dismounted.

She grabbed the fox and rabbit off her horse and entered the cabin. "Finalmente, you're back!" Javier said gruffly. Helen set her catches down before looking up at her disgruntled friend.

Time had indeed been the solution to the outlaws' trust issues, having grown to become very close friends over the years. "What's wrong? What is that?!" Helen asked, gagging at the smell of the rotting raccoon.

"Those campesinos sureños left this on our doorstep! I came home to a pack of wolves!" he snapped, fuming. Helen grabbed her rifle, glaring out the window at the rundown shack down the path. "They'll be dead in five minutes - start countin'."

She stormed out of the cabin, hurrying down the path towards the open field. When she reached the plains, however, she froze when she saw the three squatters already lying dead.

What? Her gaze shifted to the culprit, who had mounted his horse and rode away. Oh my god.... Helen whipped around and raced back towards her cabin at full speed.

"Javier!" she yelled as she drew near. "Javier, get your ass out here!" He appeared from the door, looking nervous as he hurried over. "What, what's wrong?!" Helen panted heavily, bending over with her hands on her knees. "The rednecks...are dead...."

Javier looked at her in confusion as she stood up, somewhat recomposed. "They were John Marston!"


"Helen, he isn't coming back," Javier hissed. "He wouldn't kill them for no reason and just leave - he's definitely coming back." Night had fallen, and the two friends were hidden in the trees, awaiting John's return.

"You're gonna have some serious ass to kiss, that's for sure," she commented, arching a brow. Javier sighed and lowered his head, mumbling, "Tell me about it." Horse hooves made them straighten out in high alert.

Not one, but two horses approached the rundown shack. Helen's face lit up in delight; "I recognize that beat up mug anywhere! Come on!"


The gang's coming togetheeeer *throws confetti*

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