Chapter 55

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It had been a few long days without most of the men in camp. Sadie, Helen and Charles came together to keep the camp running, being the only ones who could properly handle a gun.

The women had to pull their weight around more in camp, especially Susan and Karen, who acted as the camp guards. Today was no different - Helen woke up to the silent camp and to a sleeping Charles at her side.

She looked over to her left, but frowned when she discovered the bed was void of his presence. "Charlie?" she called, looking around. "In here." She quickly stretched her legs before turning into the bathroom. "What in the world are you doing?"

Charles was standing in front of the mirror, his hunting knife in his hand and held up to his scalp. The sides of his head were shaved down, but he struggled with the back.

"Figured I'd try something new. Can you help me out?" he asked her. Helen just smiled before taking the knife, and Charles held up the top section of his hair.

She carefully sliced off his hair, lock by lock, placing the pieces on the counter. "Why the sudden change? I remember you saying you would never cut your hair," she asked.

Charles shrugged a shoulder, looking at her through the mirror. "I'm not that same person anymore, I felt like this was appropriate," he replied honestly.

Helen let out a hum, lowering the knife when she finished. "What are you goin' to do with the rest now?" she asked, setting the knife down. Charles held up an elastic band in response, making Helen squeal in delight.

"I get to tie your hair?!" He laughed as the two re-entered the bedroom and sat down on the bed. Helen was sat behind as she picked up a few strands of hair on the top of his head. I haven't done a braid in a long time...I hope I do this right.

Slowly, carefully, she began weaving the strands into a braid, picking up more hair as she went along, until she reached the end. "Have you or Sadie thought of a new place for camp?" she asked as she tied off the braid.

"No, not yet. Sadie mentioned somewhere near Saint Denis - a place called Lakay," he replied, taking hold of his braid and asking, "Can I see it?" Helen nodded, shooing him off to the bathroom before getting herself dressed.

She was suddenly picked up from behind and twirled around, making her giggle. "I love it, thank you," Charles said once he set her down. Helen was grinning from ear to ear as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Anything for you, Charlie."

He pulled her in for a sweet kiss, savouring the feeling of her lips on his. A scream from outside suddenly made the two jump apart, and Helen rushed for the window.

Her eyes widened in terror at what she saw, and she whipped around to face Charles. "Pinkertons!"

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