Chapter 25

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By the time morning had rolled around, Helen was curled up in her bed with tears in her eyes. She stayed up all night, listening to Hosea explain himself and his past actions.

"I was scared, that much was obvious...and I will admit that I was rather...cowardly," he had told her. Helen remained silent throughout most of his speech, and she had done her best to remain calm.

"I loved you and your mother...more than anything in this world. But this's dangerous, Helen, and people get hurt and even killed," he had said. "But you were in this gang, you had supplies and resources," Helen had argued.

"There was only me and Dutch back then, Helen, and Arthur was just a teenager. We didn't have enough to support ourselves, and I didn't want to drag my family into the wilderness."

He had left her to sleep at around 3 in the morning, but she remained wide awake until dawn. She didn't react when people walked by her bed, and she held herself tighter.

He abandoned us...that's what my mother always told me. Why would she lie...? "Helen? Are you awake?" She flinched at the sound of her name, but she didn't look up at Charles.

"I brought you something to eat, Pearson made his stew," he told her. His shadow passed over her as he sat down next to her head, and he set her plate down. I really don't want to get up....

"Please get up...I heard you spoke to Hosea, I just want to make sure you're okay," he pleaded gently. I think he can actually read my mind. Reluctantly, Helen slowly sat up in bed, her blanket bunched up in her lap. Charles smiled at her, but she merely forced a lopsided smirk as she took her plate.

The two ate in silence, and Helen ignored his gaze burning in the side of her head. "Did you sleep well?" he asked casually. She glanced up at him for a moment; "I haven't slept yet...." she mumbled. Charles frowned at her, but he looked more concerned than disappointed.

"Did Hosea keep you up?" he continued, setting his empty plate down. Helen blinked slowly, her eyelids becoming heavy, and she set her barely-touched plate down.

"He told me he loved me...but Mother said he abandoned us...I don't know who to believe...." she mumbled slowly. Charles let out a sigh, then shifted to sit next to her. "You just need to sleep, Helen," he said softly. She felt her head grow heavy, and she then leaned it on Charles' shoulder.

"You've been real nice to me, Charlie...." she whispered, her eyes fluttering. She nuzzled into him, and his arm tentatively went around her waist. "Thank you...."

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