Chapter 30

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"Now THAT...was a fantastic reason for a firefight." Helen fell over on her side once the shooting was over, a long sigh falling from her lips. "You okay, Helen?" she heard Charles ask. She rolled over on her back when he walked over to her, and she sent him a thumbs up.

"Never better, thanks for askin'," she muttered. He bent down and grabbed her free hand, pulling her up. "Alright, Charles, Helen - go find Dutch, get the caravan to divert here. This spot should work for us," Arthur told them, then rode off with the missing German father.

Helen brought her fingers to her lips, letting out a loud whistle. At first nothing happened, making her frown. "'The hell is my horse?" she muttered, looking around.

"Did she run off?" Charles asked. "I swear, if she did...." Helen whistled again, walking forward a few steps as she waited. A distant cry caught the outlaws' attention, and she spotted something squirming in the grass.

"No!" Helen sprinted forward as fast as she could, ignoring Charles' calls. "Daisy!" Her horse neighed again, her legs kicking up, but she stayed lying in the grass.

Helen slid to a halt, tripping and falling next to her horse; her chest had a gaping, bleeding bullet hole, and her coat was stained red. "No...oh, Daisy...." The horse's eyes were wide in terror and pain, and Helen let out a sigh as she caressed her dying horse.

"I'm sorry, old girl...I don't have anything to help you...." Charles slowly approached as Daisy's struggling slowly ceased. God dammit.... Helen then stood up, her sad gaze resting on her dead horse. Charles placed his hand on her shoulder, rubbing it comfortingly.

"I'm sorry, Helen," he said sincerely. "It's she can run free," she mumbled. She looked up and met Charles' gaze; "I am out of a horse now, though." He shook his head, guiding her to his horse, Taima, who waited nearby.

"Don't worry about that for now, we have to go find the gang and bring them here," he told her. He helped her on the back of his horse first before getting into the saddle. The horse started forward at a fast-paced gallop. Helen giggled when Charles' hair whipped out behind him, hitting her face.

"You ever thought of tyin' your hair? Or cuttin' it?" she asked, resting her chin on his shoulder. "Cut it? Never in my life!" Charles scoffed. Helen laughed, holding onto him a little tighter.

"Alright, then one day I'm goin' to tie up your hair, and in return you can take me horse shoppin'," she bargained. Helen looked up at him, seeing a blush and a smile on Charles' face. "That sounds good to me."

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