Chapter 47

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Arthur and Dutch rode out again that night, with the intention of seeking out revenge on Angelo Bronte. At first, Helen wanted nothing more than to kill the man herself. She was prepared to leave, as well, until she was approached by Charles.

"You feeling up for that fishing trip?" he had asked hopefully. At the sight of his pleading expression, all thought of seeking revenge instantly melted away.

Now, the two of them were sat together in a canoe in the middle of Flat Iron Lake. "This was really needed, after the disaster in Saint Denis," Helen commented.

Charles focused intently on the water as he slowly reeled the line in. "What happened anyway?" he asked, his voice a little monotonous. Helen couldn't help but giggle at his hyper concentration.

"That Bronte feller tricked Dutch and set us up, the station barely had a damn cent," she grumbled. Charles let out a huff, his eyes widening a little in anticipation. "I'm sorry...that you - !"

He leapt up when a fish nibbled at his hook, and the canoe rocked harshly. "Dammit! I thought I had it!" he hissed, sitting back down. "Maybe if you were a little quieter, Charlie," Helen teased, bumping shoulders with him.

"Wait till the fish's got a good bite 'fore gettin' excited." He just let out an irritated huff as he re-casted his line, and Helen focused on her twitching line. "'Parently, my dad ain't too fond of the idea of killin' Bronte," she mumbled, her leg bouncing impatiently.

"Well, if Dutch wants to rob that bank, maybe it's best to get rid of any obstacles," Charles reasoned. Helen gripped her fishing pole in excitement; "Well...I'd kill the bastard just for takin' Jack...but, maybe he should be kept alive and watch us...rob him blind!"

Helen furiously began reeling in her line, a fish hooked on the end. "You best be careful on that robbery, Charlie," she said, pausing when the fish struggled.

"I'd come, but Hosea'd be too dangerous to go into the city...after we kill Bronte!" She stood up as she reeled in the fish closer, pulling her pole back and lifting the fish into the air.

Charles stood up next to her happily, shouting, "You did it!" Once again the canoe rocked, but Helen failed to keep her balance. "Charlie - !" She fell head over heels into the water, her fishing pole flying out of her hands.

Charles laughed out loud when she spat out water and wiped her hair from her face. "I'm...I'm so sorry...!" he managed to say. Oh, you'll be sorry. Helen launched upwards and pulled one leg out from under him.

He let out a cry as he folded forward and fell, and it was Helen's turn to laugh. She squealed when Charles grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up. "Charlie, don't you dare!" she warned.

Charles just laughed, lowering her down and holding her close. "I would never, don't worry...too much." Helen laughed at that, tucking her head under his chin with a wide smile on her face.

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