Chapter 49

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"Do you think it was a good idea for them to go robbin' that bank?" Helen looked up when she heard Sadie's voice, and she saw the blonde woman carrying a bag of horse food.

She sighed, looking back down at the deer she was skinning for Pearson. "Dutch's intentions are good, but I feel like he's rushin' too much - too paranoid or somethin'. But I'm sure everything will go fine," she replied.

Sadie this time sighed, dropping the bag and standing up straight. "Well, they've been gone an awful long time, I'm surprised nobody else started questionin'," she pointed out, gesturing to the camp.

Helen glanced around, seeing everyone was either occupied with a task or locked in a conversation. "Well...we've been gettin' hit pretty hard lately. Angelo Bronte, that trolley station bullshit, Kieran...."

Helen trailed off for a moment, the image of his decapitated head flashing in her mind. "Well...I think everyone's just prayin' that this job goes well," she muttered, then strung up the deer carcass.

Sadie was watching her with a mischievous gaze that didn't go unnoticed by Helen. "Aright, why you starin' at me, woman?" she asked, facing her. Sadie smirked, walking over and standing next to Helen. "I can tell you're worried, y'know. None of us are blind," she said quietly.

Helen furrowed her brows in confusion, but her heart was racing. "Us?" she echoed. "Well, Karen and Mary-Beth have been gossipin'." Instantly, Helen rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"You've been listenin' to those two hens? They thought I was sweet on Arthur, once upon a time!" she protested with a laugh. Sadie laughed as well, glancing over at the woman.

"Well, I don't ALWAYS listen to them, but I do believe that you got somebody on your mind," she teased. Helen felt her hands shake nervously, so she stuffed them in her pockets. "The hell makes you say that? I'm just worried for the boys," she said a little too defensively.

Sadie was looking at her with a knowing smile, which made Helen involuntarily blush. "Oh no, ain't nothin' wrong with that...but you've been pretty worried about Charles, ain'tcha?"

All colour was drained from Helen's face, and Sadie laughed victoriously. "Ha! I knew it!" she cheered. "Shh! Do you want the whole camp knowin'?!" Helen hissed, lowering her head. Sadie giggled, throwing her arm around her friend's shoulders.

"Oh come on, Helen, you ain't got nothin' to worry about," she reassured, patting her arm. "Why say that?" Sadie sent her a rather dramatic wink once she said, "Cause I think dear Charles is sweet on you, too. Hell, I KNOW he is!"

Helen was now blushing madly, running a hand through her hair nervously. "Well...!" she began, trying to think of something to say. Sadie was looking at her patiently, waiting for some kind of protest.

"...okay fine, maybe." Sadie cheered again, prompting Helen to grab her and briskly walk away from the others. "Are you tryin' to get everybody's attention?!" she snapped, but Sadie was too excited to feel threatened.

"You oughta tell him when the lot of 'em get back," she advised. Helen scoffed, quickly shaking her head fearfully. "No way, they'd be too exhausted from the run. Believe me, I waited this long - I can wait much, much longer!"

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