Chapter 24

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"How are you holding up back there?" Helen looked ever so disgruntled as she rode with Charles on his horse. "Doin' swimmingly," she muttered. Her arms hung loosely around his waist, and the pain along with the hot sun made her feel exhausted.

Charles chuckled at her attitude; "You'll be okay, we're almost at camp," he reassured with a pat on her leg. "What are you going to do about your horse?" Javier asked curiously.

Helen scoffed, shifting a little closer to Charles; "What will I do? Shoot that damn horse between the eyes if I see her again, damn animal," she grumbled angrily.

Sean spoke up at her statement; "You sound like Arthur with that complainin', sweetheart. I never met a woman who can shoot a gun," he said a little flirtatiously.

Helen wrinkled her nose a little in disapproval, and found herself holding onto Charles somewhat tighter. He let out a breath and looked over his shoulder at her.

"If you come any closer, you'll be sitting in the saddle with me," he whispered breathlessly. His face had a light dusting of red and there was a smile on his face. Helen let out a hum and rested her head on his shoulder, getting boldly close to his face.

"I don't hear you complainin', Charlie," she teased quietly. Charles' smile widened a little, and he turned away as he whispered, "No, I'm not."


"What do you mean, no jobs for two weeks?!" Helen echoed in shock. Leopold Strauss hummed at her reaction, tightening the cold compress around her ankle.

"Usually one week would suffice, Frau Matthews, but it is better to be safe than sorry," he explained to her. Sadie and Arthur were at her side, helping her up to her feet. "Thank you, Herr Strauss," Arthur said. The two outlaws then guided Helen over to her lodging.

She looked up when they neared, but then immediately began to struggle in her friends' grasp. Hosea was pacing near her bed, looking incredibly worried. When he saw them approach, he straightened out.

"Helen, just calm down," Sadie muttered, one hand on her shoulder. "Not until I taste his blood," Helen spat back. She stumbled a little from hopping on one foot, but Arthur caught her. "Just hear him out, Helen, it won't hurt," he urged, holding her steady.

She merely glared at her father for what felt like hours before letting out a sharp breath. The three of them then went up to the lodging, and Hosea fidgeted where he stood.

"Th-thank you, Arthur, Mrs. Adler," he stuttered once they sat Helen down. The two of them walked away, leaving Hosea alone with his silently raging daughter.

"Can...m-may I sit?" he asked politely. Helen's angry green gaze flickered over to him for a moment. "...fine."

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