Chapter 3

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1885 - 13 years old

"Be back before sunset, Helen!" The young girl rolled her eyes at her mother's worry, but she smiled anyway. "I always am, Mom!" Helen then hurried out of the house, her bow and quiver slung over her shoulder.

Since she had turned 12 years old, Helen began going on hunting trips on her own. She had grown to master the bow, bringing down bigger game like foxes and deer. Helen began walking down her familiar hunting path that circled around the lake and entered the neighbouring woods.

The path continued further down into unknown territory, but her mother advised her to stay away. "There are bad people in this world, Helen, people who would hurt you and steal from you," she had been told.

At first she was afraid - afraid of the unknown and afraid of the world. But that fear was overpowered by her curiosity, and today she was feeling courageous.

Helen took out her pocket watch, checking the time - 7h45 in the morning. I have all day to go exploring! She didn't hesitate to race forward, dashing through the trees in pure excitement.

She looked up when a flock of birds flew overhead, and with a giggle she veered off to the left and followed them. The trees that grew outside of O'Creagh's Run were tall enough to touch the sky. The hills were of various sizes, and she squealed when she tripped and nearly rolled down one hill.

Helen stopped beside a tree to catch her breath, watching a pair of badgers race by, making her smile. I remember when I caught my first raccoon.... "What do you mean, it's in bad condition?!" she had demanded her mother, which made her laugh.

"You can't use your bow on small game like that, Helen - only a specific type of rifle." Helen remembered how disappointed she had been, but now the memory made her laugh.

She glanced up when a horse and carriage rode by at a relaxing pace; she marveled at the two horses, two giant beasts of similar shades. One was a chestnut brown while the other was a more reddish shade of chestnut.

Just before Helen could call out to the driver, mangled and high-pitch screams were suddenly heard. The carriage was then overrun by scrawny, wild looking men who wore ragged clothes. With a terrified shriek, Helen whipped around and raced away.

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