Chapter 46

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The next day, Helen followed Arthur to the trolley station, where Dutch and Lenny were waiting for them. "I don't think you and I ever ridden together," Lenny commented as they approached. Helen huffed, smirking lightly as she said, "Then this'll be fun."

Dutch hopped off the box he sat on and met up with the other two outlaws. "There you are, come on. You're late," he grumbled, leading them forward.

"A couple o' days in this place, you've turned into some clock watching city boy. What's the urgency?" Arthur demanded in annoyance. "We need to leave - forever." Helen arched a brow at Dutch's statement, listening curiously.

"We've been doing well, making money, but for us all to leave together, we need enough for a boat. Now, I found a friendly ship captain, he's willing to take us to Australia, or Tahiti. We just need to pay for passage and give him money for land when we get there - no questions asked. We will disappear, be reborn," he explained.

That sounds like the most magical fairytale if I ever heard one. "Where the hell is Tahiti?" Arthur asked, unconvinced. "South Pacific, an untouched paradise." The fantasy continues.... "Who lives there?!" Dutch looked back at Arthur in annoyance, saying, "Tahitians, I guess."

Helen tuned out of their useless arguing and instead focused on the station. There didn't seem to be many people inside, with only one or two horses hitched outside.

There weren't many people in the area to hear the commotion, either. Maybe we'll have one smooth job, finally. The four of them tied on their bandanas before Dutch kicked the doors in.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a robbery! Behave as I tell you and none of you will die!" he announced. Helen held her rifle up, approaching individual citizens and robbing them one at a time.

Arthur had followed her lead while Lenny investigated the back room. "There's nothing much here!" he called suddenly. Wishful thinking. "You're sure?" Dutch asked, his voice low. "Yes!" Arthur hurried into a different room while Helen moved towards Dutch.

"What the hell do we do now?!" she hissed angrily. "Get ready for company and put your good aim to use," he snapped back. "There's almost nothing here!" Arthur called. "There should be stacks of cash in there! Bronte told us there was, look again!"

Helen stared at Dutch in disbelief; "You trusted the word of that low life scum?!" she yelled, seething. The sound of horse hooves and screaming caught the outlaws' attention. They were soon surrounded by lawmen - dozens and dozens of lawmen.

"That greasy son of a bitch, he set us up!" Dutch declared. Helen raced for a window, rifle in hand and ready; "Shit, what a surprise!" she spat. "This seem like a good time for sarcasm to you?! Get your asses on that trolley - NOW!!"

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