Chapter 44

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"'re just...makin' me pick one of these jobs?" Dutch and Hosea had approached Helen the next morning with a variety of tasks to do. Her father chuckled at her reaction while Dutch just smirked.

"Well, you didn't earn the name 'spit fire' for no reason, darlin'. You're quite the shot, too, you should come along on more jobs," Dutch explained. Maybe if I was given the chance more often.

Helen shrugged a shoulder; "I ain't ever robbed in the big city before, I'll help you fellers out with that trolley station," she decided. Dutch patted her shoulder with a grin; "Then you'll ride with me, Arthur, and the boy, Lenny. Go get your horse ready," he told her.

In a rush of excitement, Helen dashed over to her horse, Erin. When she arrived, though, the feeding buckets were empty and the area was covered in hay and dung.

"Hey, where's Kieran gone? This place is a mess!" she called, fixing her horse's saddle. "Dunno, been about a day since he left!" Javier called from his guard post.

Weird, he told me he's never been out of camp. "What the hell?!" Javier suddenly yelled. Helen looked up and gasped at what she saw: Kieran rode in slowly on his horse, with his severed head in his hands.

Gunshots suddenly went off, making the horse buck off Kieran's body and race off. God dammit, no! She grabbed her rifle and began shooting back, aiming for the tree-line. "You sons o' bitches!" she yelled, gunning down any approaching O'Driscoll.

"You'll pay for this!" A wagon suddenly came barreling towards the manor. "Oh no, you don't!" Helen removed a stick of dynamite from her saddle and lit it up before launching it. It landed directly in the wagon and exploded seconds later.

Helen yelled in satisfaction before continuing to fire back, barely reacting when bullets would fly past her head. "Helen!" someone called, but she ignored them. Her rifle clicked empty, making her growl and throw her gun down before taking out her revolver.

"Helen, get back!" they called again, and this time she recognized Javier's and Charles' voices. She ignored them again, daring to push forward; she stopped by a dead body and picked up its rifle.

Helen chased after the fleeing O'Driscolls, who mounted their horses and took off. She whistled for hers, and Erin arrived with a cry. "Let's go, girl! Yah!" she shrieked, and raced off. There were three fleeing O'Driscolls, and she gunned down two as she rode closer.

"This is for Kieran, you sack of shit!" She stood up on her horse and leapt at the final O'Driscoll, tackling him to the ground. Helen took out her knife, and with an enraged yell, she stabbed him over and over again.

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